listen to the rain
knocking on the door
somewhere outside
there is peace
it is not now
can this be forever
somewhere angels lifted
by their own sorrow
poisoned by their own sin
all suffer
listen to the rain
it screams out my name
a world full of hate
dragging me out the door
soaked through
a stranger walks alone
blood trails behind
listen to the rain
look up at the sky
there is no hope
only the murder
listen to the rain
this was your last might alive
now gone
listen to the rain
its fading away
i used to have love
it kept me from crying
and the happiness was ecstasy
but now
its what makes the tears flow
and all i know
its because of you
you and your heart of stone
unseeing to my hopes and sadness
another is placed in your heart
and i am left in the pouring rain
blind eyes seeing
dead heart beating
hope is faded
gone forever are longer
of happiness are no longer
here for me
its all over
all over for me
have you ever been so happy
you couldn't smile?
so angry
you couldn't yell?
so sad
you couldn't cry?
i have a feeling like that
i'm so depressed
i just cant live
life is forsaken
hope misused
and all that was is no more
for i've known my impending doom
and just maybe
the magick i've seen
will come back
to set me free from life
once so beautiful
now fading into black
begining this journey
but fighting to turn back
the crimson glow now gone
never to return
the sparkle in the night
increasingly starts to burn
once representing love
is now to mark death
what used to be so beautiful
is now counting its last breath
love isnt here
broken shattered lies
hope unbound and let to sink
in this dark cold sea this hate
others are there
but where am i?
drowning in you
drowning in your eyes
i watch the clock fall back
back before this all became
i watch the lies and mstakes i once did
become something that never happened
i watch the people i once hurt
forget all the pain
i watch the lasting damage i've done
and see it repair
i watch my fallen tears
dry before my eyes
i watch my history
become no more
i watch as my existence
fades away
in my mind i see
that you are nowhere to be found
drowning in hate
a dark sea covering me up
i cry for my broken heart
i cry for what i once had
but mostly i cry over you
shattered is my heart
millions of shards across a black sea
broken dreams and hopes of love
love is no more
its what broke me