When he looks at me I feel the world stop.
I know he'll never know it, but I can't stop it.
I can't ever tell him, and never will.
'Why?' they all ask, so I point to the answer.
I always wished he'd look at me like that, but it's not ment for us. If only he knew that she wasn't true! If only I could tell. But if his heart broke mine would too. If only he found out, I'd be his shoulder to cry on. But he's to sweet to ever dought. So her I stay, the world frozen from his stare. Lost in my dreams and fantsy. Hoping one day he'll know.
What the hell is this thing we call life?
Know one really knows.
It varies from person to person.
And don't some love it and never want it to end?
But others hate it and can't wait for it to be over?
What is this majic thing that brings so much chaos?
Well that's the most beautiful thing about life! It's a mystery to everyone and no one all at the same time!!
19:35 Feb 17 2009
is this about who i think its about?
and if you want a pic of you i can email you the one of you dressed up for the ball and the one taken right after you got your hair cut short
Lov ya sis!