Theres a little black wolf
bout the size of a cat
who comes to me at night and tells me to kill
If i don't listen he bites off a toe
what am i to do when i get to number eleven
This little black wolf the color of coal
has heart of fire and tail of fur
he funny and mean but nice and neat
and he keeps me company when I can't sleep
The little black wolf is gone during the day
but he always comes back and wants to play
he can talk and sing and jump and play
but wants to rule the world one day!
Your happy and I'm happy
Hanging and chillin
Sisters haveing fun
Yet you hear the phone ring and away you run
Leaving me for him
I stay here forgotten and sad
If only you knew how horrid it feels
You ask me whats wrong but I won't tell
You wouldn't understand: you'd just get mad
I won't hurt you like you hurt me so you'll never know what's wronge with me
I know I'm older and s'pose to be brave
but one little phone call and my will break
But don't feel bad my friends do it to
Maybe if I get a boyfriend too I'll understand why I was always the forgotten one.
This is how I really feel yet I hope my sister doesn't read it cause she shouldn't have to worry about me.
Its so cold
where have you gone?
You said you'd always keep me warm.
Yet here I am freezing and alone
without you I'm cold in my own home.
What a waste cause momma always said
Home is where your is warm.
My home left me for some one beautiful
I just wasn't good enough
Will my heart ever feel the warmth of love again?
No, I will die with a heart of ice
with a tear frozen to my cheek
and your name carved in my arm with
a rusty kitchen knife.
Goodbye to all.