feralmuse's Journal

feralmuse's Journal


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2 entries this month


My general thoughts and stuff on VR

13:04 Feb 21 2008
Times Read: 780

Since Im really new to Vampire rave, Ive got to adjust to the "etiquette" so I plan to keep my profile simple. Although I have a habit of changing background on my profiles at least a couple times of month. Im just wierd like that....

If you take the time to message me, I will respond back because its only polite.

Im not a vampire, sanguine or otherwise but I have friends that are and as Ive stated before...I take people as they come.

If you add me to your friends list, please let me know if you would like me to do the same...otherwise I wont know who is on there and wont be able to pop in and say hello from time to time. Along those lines...if I add you to my friends list I WILL and DO read journels. To me thats the whole point of adding someone...to get to know them better.

I was told that as far as rating profiles go... all premium members automatically get a 10 while free members get lower ratings.... sorry, I dont go by that. I rate as fairly as I can and I tend to rate on the "high" side for everyone because putting profiles together is time consuming and hard...especially if you arent all that familiar with coding, profiles and things of that nature.

I dont like drama or drama queens so if you think to bring it to my page, plan on being ignored. Im too old and too damn cranky to deal with the nonsense.

I REALLY REALLY DONT want to be inducted into a coven, but from what I understand, coven induction isnt voluntary nor is it something a person can get out of. However... Im hoping if I keep a low profile, maybe Ill fly under the rador and not get noticed LMAO!!

I actually kinda like that there is a hierarchy within VR and I plan to treat people accordingly.

There seems to be alot of interesting people on vampire rave and Im looking forward to talking with folks.




A bit about The Feral Muse

13:47 Feb 19 2008
Times Read: 811

Sometimes to find anything of interest, you must search around in the hidden and quietest of corners. And many times, thinking outside the box of what is considered "normal" for your self is the only way to experience and understand how others view the world.

For myself, I like to keep things hidden from the outside world and anyone who takes the time to get to know me and the many layers of my personality is worth having as a friend. I value my privacy and usually dont reveal things of a deep personal nature to just anyone, and by the same token I dont pry into others lives unless invited. I live by the credo...to thine own self be true.... and expect others in my realm to do the same. I dont judge on race, creed, color, sexual orientation, religious or political orientation. People are simply people and we all have our own little quirks and idiocycrasies. I take people for what they are.. good and bad and as long as you give me simple and honest respect, I shall do the same for you....

I also honestly believe that what you see is NOT what you get so please dont make a snap judgement on who or what I am by a simple web profile. Though my profile may be all pink and pastels... my colors are rich jeweled tones of many hues and shades.

My interests are many and varied including, photography, painting, making pottery, middle eastern dance, occult studies, history and poetry (reading it, not writing it). Although on occasion, I will put pen to paper when my "muse" calls. *grin* I also am an avid seamstress, quilter and embroiderer. Yes...I know.. it all sounds a bit "fluffey" for such a goth venue but I simply enjoy what I enjoy and art can take on many and myraid forms.

Spiritually, I am a mixture of the ATR's, ceremonial and the LHP...all of this is peppered with many of the ecstatic trance practices. Though Im in no ways a Satanist, I identify and understand the Satanic philosopies. I believe that Spiritual truth is a personal thing and each person walks the path which best calls to their spirit and who am I...or anyone else... one to judge what is right for someone else?

If youve made it thus far in my ramblings...kudos to you and I hope that you will take the time to get to know me better, if not.... thanks for stopping by anyway and enjoy your journey to wherever you are going *smile*



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