precious windows mark,
the silence of staring
drape from skin,
scant cover collapse
thine eyes falter not
this hand slows not
faster, faster, faster
spent against the windowpane
changed things are not
this pales
pernicious misery swallow
cautious glance resonates
soft words with soft hands pass
hesitantly and patiently through
ten percent so fulfilling,
underneath and beyond
so barren
though as the strings
of those below
on which we dance
in such knowing tandem
will dissolves
and weakness eats alive
though parading eyes
bear too heavy
bend now, falter
choice rings
silence reigns
textured dew falls as tears
chills of morning mist blanket this
leafless and grey the winter drapery weeps
the grace of the sun is not yet at hand
rise, gentle giant
push away the disorientation
wipe away the trails
the monotony of settled saliva stings hard
but this is requisite
this is living
silent screams as the waves fall beneath
aged descent, pattern in familiarity
so throughout the maze
of shadowed dreams
here is the end of the cycle
the bowl sings
and so in a iconic symbol of progression
the river flows