im drunk so im going to tell the story of wen me and a friend fuckrd with a priest. we were going around trying to get some mony by telling people that we were getting donations for the down east aids network. we ended up going to the priests house to get some mony and he had sat us down for a hour and a half asking us wat we do to help people there. we told him that we had cousoling,physical tharupie, and that we took them on trips and he fell for the hole thing and know we'r going to go to his church and fuck with them all cause i was born in the day their wonderfull lord was stuck on the cross to be left to die and im going to spit blood on all of them. i'll up date u all after i do it
fuck this planet we r on and fuck this life that we r given it means nothing and never will. its all a sic a twisted game. but thats ok cause we will all be dead befor we no it and there is nothing that we can do about it. so fuck it all
sitting here watching my friend play games so im bord and dont know wat to do so bord cant think just lissening to some music and not careing for it to much and there really into list game its a fighting game on the ps the old one still so bord so i rout this to entertain my self and if u dont like it than fuck off
party hardy rock'n'role dink a keg smoke a bowl, snort a pill hit a vayn, dont lose your minde, dont go insaine
every one always says that if u could only finde one purson that would be a true friend to u than thats all u need but some times it dosent alway work out like that. most of the time u think u have found one and come to finde out that all thay want is to fuck u over so in truth a friend is grate but wen it comes down to it the only friend u need is your self and then try for others
days come and day go, but dose any one really stop to think bout ho every day just might be the last time you are able to walk aroud, the last time you can smell the flowers, see the night and day sky, talk to friends, and any thing else that you might enjoy doing
hear theses words your body was given to you to do as you will the way i see it you should abuse tha right and get as much out of it as u can because you only live once and i know no one want to die with any regrets
happiness is but a thought a mask that is used to hide behinde. the thought of joy is just something to cover the true feeling that want to come forth.
as the sun fades and the dark rises i find myself awaking from a sound sleep and can only emagin wat will await my comeing. i walk along the lit streets of the night and wonder why i had chosen the path of a cureacher of the shadows hideing from the world. then i remember that the world is crul game and is hated by all who is forced to live in it
love and hate are the same nomatter how u look at it u cant have one without the other
seeing the blood drip from the knife and to feel the pain run from the vayns, when all hope is lost its the only way to continu to carry on the only way to stop all the acking of the heart and soul, with out self mutelation there is no balance
the longer we are apon this earth we shall endure nothing but pain and missory. life is just a crule joke that so called god as created in order to forfill his owne sic nd morbid sence of humore
its a shoom night and my computer is talking to me and i cant make shut up HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!
thing arnt all as they seem, thing can come acrose as kind and jentell then turn to hate and fear. people will tell u that ur their ur friend and that their there for u and soon come to finde out that all they say is nothing words w/ no feeling or meaning to them
here i sit so broken hearted came to shit but only farted