In my interactions with the human race I have found little to be liked. they are arrogant without reason greedy beyond cause and just outright spiteful towards each other as well as them selves. Their nieveness causes them to not see the things in front of their noses. 85% of them claim to be christian yet have no clue what their bible even teaches or the fact that it corrosponds to many other religious beliefs in many ways. It seems the are oblivious to anything or anyone that is not exactly their way of thinking. Their own beliefs say there is something other than what they can see but at every turn they refuse to believe in anything they cant see or experience within their spectrum of understanding. The Angelics as well as others have fought to save them on many occasions yet they still insist on buisness as usual. Why I say do the powers that be continue to give them chance after chance when they have failed , failed ,failed? I think maybe the creator needs to learn when to hold em and when to fold em. Just an observation but an acurate one i believe.