I have been asked by quite a few students to share my awakening and how I dealt with the blood lust. I like many of you never really fit in to what was considered normal. For as long as I can remember I have had abilities to do and see things others did not. I can’t really speak on turned vampires awakenings as I was born, but to the extent that my awakening was in a family that’s only ties to this world was my grams who was a seer so basically raised in a human family. It is one thing to awaken when you know what is happening to you but yet another when you have no idea, this is how I awakened. My freshman year in high school, at this time in my life I was training in the wiccan crafts either it was a shock value or I honestly didn’t care I am not sure but I let my studies be obvious. It was no secret I was Wiccan that’s even what I listed as religion on my military app should have seen their faces on that one. LOL always wondered what they would have said had I placed vampire in the other block for race.
I was 15 studying hard to find myself in a world I did not think like, act like or for that matter not even like. One night I had done a summoning ritual to this day not sure what I left out or if I just wasn’t powerful enough to maintain it or what happened. The spirit I had summoned was unchained and very angry slamming me about the room then it stopped. I remember it saying to me I remember you then laughing and saying you don’t remember do you. All I remember from that point on was crashing into the ground and waking up in a pool of sweat on the floor. Over the next few months I began to see things in a different light. Then one night I come home from a band event very sick sicker than I had ever been, really thought I had food poisoning until the blood in my veins started to boil or at least felt like it. When this would happen to me over and over again for the next few months, I would have the window unit in my room so cold there was literally frost on the windows most nights but still I would get so hot there would be sweat soaked sheets every night. I couldn’t explain it I just thought it had something to do with the summoning. As long as I can remember I have always been drawn to the vampire I know now it was my natural drive to be with my kind but as a teen I was so confused. Soon after the boiling blood I started to get visions both dreaming and awake. Masters would come to me and train me in many aspects of life, the craft, combat ect. As cool as the visions where they still gave me no explanation of what I was going through. The next football game would change my life forever.
As a sectional captain we always went at 3rd quarter to meet the other captains. This night there was a beautiful young girl well I say young she was older than me. The second our eyes meet we couldn’t stop looking at each other. We exchanged numbers and over the next few months talked on the phone a lot as well as a few dates here and there. I remember her whispering in my ear the first time you really have no clue do you. Hell I thought she was talking about sex. Then she says “you need to drink so you can see, follow me” I followed her into an equipment building that was under the bleachers thinking cool she has some alcohol hidden and I’m getting laid. Wow was I ever wrong. She lay back on the mats and said ‘come here I have something I want you to see. I want you to drink of me I want to share myself with you” then she makes a small cut above her breast and pulled my head down to them and I about passed out from the energy resonating from her. As her blood passed by my lips I felt truly alive for probably the first time ever. Much like the master who had come to me in dreams and shown me the way of energy this felt much the same but on a whole other scale. I could feel what she felt it was like we were one in the same. She let me feed from her for months to come then one day as fast as she came into my life her and her family was gone. This is where the dilemma of blood lust started for me. Every time I got around a room fool of people I was deafened by the sound of their blood pumping through their veins the smell of it so close to the skin. Thought I was insane as well did my parents. This lust for blood drove me to do many things I am not proud of and of them we won’t speak. We all have our moments of spiraling into the abyss if we are really lucky we don’t stay there too long.
I found that certain plants have a life force of their own one not like plant life but one much like our own. I found that certain plants had certain attributes which I was able to absorb energy from that helped with the lust. Ultimately we find that controlling the lust isn’t just one sure fire remedy but the use of many different techniques to control our urges. What I have found to be most advantages to this process is the realization of what creation is. All things are made up of matter and this matter is held together with energy much like electricity to tap into this energy we must be able to see it become one with it and charge much like a rechargeable battery with one side effect. The tapping into certain energies can and will leave one with let’s call them snapshots of the energy they embraced. So for instance have you ever been in a room with an angry person then all the sudden you also become angry? Maybe for no for seen reason this is what a snapshot does it leaves a residual energy wave or emotion, so take care to know of what you feed off. You see this in sanguine feeding also or at least I do. There are many that believe you’re not a real vampire unless you drink blood as this is basically correct it is a fallacy. The drinking of blood is in essence the drinking of the energy that said blood carries. Yes getting it from the tap is strong but so is ever clear you wouldn’t want to have too much of that it might make you do some dumb stuff or even sick. The same effect can be said of blood as well as energy feeding to much leads to a euphoric feeling and too little only leaves you wanting more. Balancing your lust is much like balancing a night at the club drink too hard to fast and wind up pukeing on the dance floor. Moderate and be selective and you have a great night and end up with an awesome buzz that is manageable.
When having a lusting moment
I have these alot mainly in dept stores when I am around a lot of people or sometimes I will encounter a tasty morsel at the checkout. There are several things you can do to stop your lust rising to unmanageable limits.
1. Look away from them but do not breath in but exhale ”I'll explain in a bit”
2. Go outside if it becomes too much to bear or find a bathroom that’s unoccupied to retain control of your senses.
3. Close your eyes concentrate on only your heartbeat and make it slow down.
The reason you don’t breathe in is because this is a receiving resonance and it will only exasperate the urge. The next section will cover energy feeding which is the best way to stabilize the lust. Although these techniques require lots of practice very few pick them up instantly but most of our species is able to do them.
Energy feeding and wavelengths
As I stated before all things have energy and this energy can be feed off of. Much like a starveling man would devour a plate of food a well fed one would eat conservatively. The same is true of the lust well rounded regimens of energy feeding will sooth the want for blood but not cure it in my opinion. Again as we talked about earlier we are only looking to bring this monster into manageable variables. All energy is not the same even though all energy is made up of the same thing. Just like a tree doesn’t taste like a carrot some energies have different taste for lack of a better term. The wavelength of energy decides on what that energy is and what effects it will have on the physical plane of existence. So test out what energies best help you, charge you drive you insane.ect. Stay away from the ones that drive you mad and feed off the ones that revive you and stabilize you. Unfortunately for me my best and worst is the same energy so balance for me is a tetertaughtering process. Different energies act differently on each individual so I can’t give you a guideline as to what to avoid. Know yourself and you will be fine. The following are energy types I actively use their benefits to me and what I have noticed of them. I always look forward to more input on these classes so if you have different finding than mine or wider findings please share.
1. Animal energy- pets are a great source of energy and they are always willing to provide it. Stroking their fur rubbing their belly you can gain positive energy this way. The feeling you get from spending 30 min with a pet is a feeling of calmness and satisfaction.
2. Plant energy – the energy taken from plants is a feeling of serenity much like laying in a field of wild flowers on a spring day. It leaves a residue of physical strength and clarity of mind.
3. General energy – all things emit energy general energy is the energy that is emitted that has no emotional attachment to it. This energy is the stuff everyone just resonates walking down the street. Just a side caution when feeding from this wave be very careful you might encounter the next kind of energy on accident.
4. Emotional energy – emotions drive energy to become a different beast all together. The way a person feels inside has a big factor on the wave their energy emits and therefore has an effect on the person feeding from it. I consider emotions a virus and this virus travels along with the food source or energy. So know what you are feeding of and control it not let it control you.
5. Sexual energy- this is actually a sub class under emotional but I give it its own class because unlike emotional energy it can take on a life of its own that may or may not be what you would expect of a sexual experience. Keep in mind here that sexual energies are not only gotten from intercourse.
6. Elemental energy- by far the safest class of energy elemental energy stays constant although its level of energy can rise to intolerable levels the way it makes you feel after is always the same. Energy can be drawn from any element. Fire: emits purifying elements, strength, and power. Water: calming soothing, Wind: oneness, belonging, freedom. Earth: stability, clarity, grounding.
The technique I use to absorb these energies is a very simple one As I stated before breathing in is a receiving resonation like breathing out is a sending one so the basics of energy absorption and dispersal all hinge on the breath. Have you ever noticed when someone says something you don’t agree with or don’t like you make an instinctive outward sigh. This is your natural release of all things disagreeable. Ever been around a pretty girl or boy and they took your breath away causing you to almost need to gasp for air. This is a receiving wave you breathe them in to say. The same basic concept is used for energy feeding breath in what is good breath out what is bad. Visualize a force, energy, aura whatever you see it as. Now when in close proximity to the emitter of the energy you wish to feed from take a deep breath seeing their energy flow into yours through the mouth. Allow this force to resonate with in your shell as if savoring a bite of your favorite food. The more you practice doing this the easier it will come to you until eventually you will just do it without thinking. This is the best way I can explain how it works and I hope my pupils gain enlightenment from this. As always I am available for those who want further hands on training in this but this should give the average person an idea of energy and its use
I just love when someone you concidered a friend stabs you in the back and don't even have the consideration to stand over you and watch their handy work. A friend of mine mails me and says that a man i had done fire shows for a few yrs back was looking for me to do another for him. so I call the guy and he tells me that he had already contracted it to someone else. come to find out he contracted it to a a guy that i not only bought all his tools for him to be in buisness but also advertissed him on my sites. Hmmmmm this same guy was on fb begging for fire performers just a couple days prior. of course thinking him my friend i replied to help him out but he did not reply back. Wow wonder why maybe its because he knew the guy was looking for me and my company definately because he knew the gig was 20 min from my home base. God damn humans have no loyalty oh well hope the client is happy with a half ass thrown together production. Bahahahaha they also took the job at what i got paid for the same gig 7 yrs ago what a dumb fuck he is gonna lose money now not to mention removed from my sites which are ranked #1 on yahoo google hell most engines. I mean really do people even think any more or has the human race came to a cut everyones throght lie steal whatever it takes and no concern about what a lame brain decision whould cost them in the long run, Or are people so stupid as to think they can steal from you show no respect and still get all the benifits you have given to them gratis. Sheesh it sux to find out who your real friends are but good i did befor this punk took some real gigs at the expense of my web sites and reputation.