I try. God knows i try. i try to keep my surroundings neat, i try to keep my legs closed, i try to keep my shirt above my neck, i try to awaken my words again, i try to enhance myself, i try, try, try.
But trying isn't good enough. Mankind knows it's not good enough. We all know that it's not enough, even though we say it is. We all want to be impressed by each other. That's why we ask each other what we did on the weekend, and that's why sometimes we lie about what we did on the weekend. that's why sometimes we fake our lost virginity. that's why we strive to do our best at our work or our schoolwork. that's why we try so hard to surpass everyone around us. we try so hard because we all know that trying isn't enough.
ok, i'm pretty sure that's all bullshit anyways.
it's just a little something that my fingers came up with anyways.
soo.... thursday, eight o clock. that's pretty much all i know for sure about today. oh and it was a bit windy out. the rain was chilly, although that's to be expected. AND! who could forget: michael jackson is dead of cardiac arrest. the world keeps turning and life goes on.
dammit, why am i still whelpish? i got a hundred nd thirteen pagesssssssss..... TT^TT
ughhhh well. whatev. i dont think anyone STAYS whelpish... i mean, if they ARE doing something to change that.
ok. pulled an all-nighter. didn't get much done. just reassured myself that bloody mary won't come after me. :]
anyways. ugh, i can't feel my eyes! i don't think i can blink right anymore... and the moral of this story, kids, is don't freak yourself out with videos and pictures of the paranormal. especially if you wear contacts through the whole six extra hours you're staying up.
alrighty then. so ... more later, and stuff.