eternaldarkness1's Journal

eternaldarkness1's Journal


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22:40 Jan 15 2008
Times Read: 687


MY name is Mystic and i live in a little town with my husband and daughter in a cozy little house

with 2 dogs and 4 cats i am a gothic princess at heart and enjoy the darkness this is my life in a nutshell.

i have a love who ihave chatted with for months he consumes me i cant help but think of him and desire him.

dam the freakin phone Hello?" hey what is up? ok listen i will be right over ok? i get my keys and go out the door to go see what is up with serenity she is stressed again. I drive down almost missing my turn thinking about him as always i get to her house and pull up and park the car.

The boys run out to greet me where is your mom sweetness? she is in side cryin he says with sadness. Hey, what is wrong?'' she tells me that brad is not coming down this weekend It will be alright i know he cares you will see him soon". I know you are right as always". Listen sweety i gotta go pick up Savanna and i will try to call u later k?" alright"by by serenity cheer we going out tommrow it will be fun.

Later that night Darkknight msgs me saying he wants to meet up i am excited and scared at the same time but agree to meet him. I check for more msgs their isnt any so i go and watch tv and relax savanna is staying at lisa"s for the night i am a little tired so i will go to bed soon gotta get up for work. It is morning and serenity is here at the computer talking to brad drinking coffee.'' HEY sunshine'' morning she says hi i go and grab a cup of java to and sit down before i half to go to work at 10.

I hurry and drink up my coffee and we head out to work jon is taking me today he needs the car. WE drive their silent iam wondering about him the whole time i cant stop these feelings i am having i thought jon was the "one" but since talking to darkknight i just dont know anymore he is on my mind forever in my heart and in my dreams. I get to work and say my goodbyes to jon&serenity and go inside.

It is time for my break i go outside and get a call it is darkknight he says: hey babe,ready for tonight?'' i have a surprize for you" will i like it? yes but you will see later". ok my break is up i gotta go by sweetness by i go back inside and back to work 2 more hours then i go home cant wait til tonight i think it will be one i will never forget.

Later, Jon comes and get me "how was your day?" he says "alright" we drive home and i get their and go upstairs to change out of my work clothes. I come back down to check to see if he messeged me and i see 1 new message it says:


i cant wait til we meet tonight

you will be mine forever and trully

bounded to me

until tonight


I am speechless i dont know what to think his words have touched me i cant deny my desires anymore.

i go and sit down and right a poem about darkness and post it lately everthing has been flowing so natural.

It is getting late time to go take a shower and get all clean and fresh for my prince. By the time i get out serenity is here waiting. Mystic, come on let's get ready i am gonna do your makeup and hair for you" alright i am coming hun".

We are all done looking hott and gothic i cant believe what i see in the mirror "god, you made me so beautiful thank you".You are welcome anytime we gotta go "yea i know coming".We grab the keys and head to the car i turn on the music and blast it as i drive then my cell rings Hello?'' no answer hello?' i hear forsaken playin in the background and then someone whispers see you soon". then my phone dies.

She says wtf? what happen? i think he just called me "who? darkknight i got a weird phone call.WE pull up to the bar and it looks packed as hell. Me and serenity walk in and i feel a chill hit me forsaken is playin in the bar.I dont believe it" the call did come from here it has to be him. I look around and dont see anyone i know at all so we go and get our drinks at the bar. Later on we are smashed and dancing on the floor i deside to go and get us a drink i walk up tp the bartender and ask for the drinks for us. Suddenly someone comes from behind me and whisper's in my ear Baby,come to me". Darkknight? Yes it is I" i take his hand and follow him outside.

AS i go outside with him i feel like iam in a trance his enchanting eyes are consuming me.

He takes me under the moonlight and pulls me closer to him Will you take my gift?'' i look into his eyes as he kisses my lips and tremble saying Yes, my darklove i will". He drains me the pain is consuming me the pleasure is pure ecstsy i give myself completly to him not resisting.

As he takes my lifeforce into complete darkness i only feel the pleasure now no pain he has changed me.My darkknight gives me his blood to drink i welcome the flowing hunger from inside.I drink ravously until i cannot stop he pulls me to him. Everything is new i am his forever in the darkness of eternal bliss.

Mystic, my darkprincess you are now and forever bounded to me and enter into pure pleasure and more power then you can ever have known. Oh my god what have i accepted?'' Everlasting life with me". What am i? "you are a vampire my love". he takes me into his embrace and kisses my lips WE are now together in the darkness my sweet darkprincess and queen"

I will teach you how to survive and to hunt" She looks into his eyes and knows that tonight she will never again be the same....

The moonlight looks so beautiful darknight takes me into the bar i see everyone stare at us when we enter we walk over to the booth and sit down next to serenty. What happen to you? I thought you left "No i was with darknight". Are you ok mystic? you look different she looks at me with a cold expression on her face. I am different now would you like to know how ? she just stares at me wondering what i mean. "I dont know mystic if i want to". "Yes you do it will make things so much clearier", I promise. Serenty isnt sure but she loves mystic and trusts her completly and knows she wouldnt cause her any harm. Darknight looks at serenty and reassures her it will be fine Why are you so pale sweety? i dont know what you mean serenty i am fine i am more then fine i'm wonderful and so strong. Ok i will hear you out where have you been? and what really happen to you? i was with darknight and we will half to show you ok? alright serenty says not knowing what is in store for her that will change her life to forever.


Serenty, me and darknight go outside the warth of the moonlight sky is so inviting i feel my hunger inside growing stronger by the minute serenty sees the look in my eyes "what is wrong? she says to me "nothing" i say staring at her throat seeing her veins pulse with the blood i need so much. My beautiful queen please restrain yourself ". darknight says to me when he sees the look on my face ''fine i say and turn away from her. Now serenty are you ready for the gift i gave mystic? she looks at him with fear in her eyes not knowing what is to come next

"ummm i guess she says shivering with fear he comes over to her and looks into her eyes "are you sure you want this serenty? because once you agree their is no turning back". "Yes i am sure just dont hurt me". " ah my dear but it will but only for a few moments i promise". "umm ok He bends down and takes her in his arms and kisses her then makes his way down her neck gently but firmy gripping it with his hand pushes her hair outta the way and bites her draining her blood and her old life away forever until their is only her new vessel left. She goes limp for a moment then awakes to her new and inproved life. "oh my god''. is all she can say and passes out in his arms "darknight'' what is wrong with her? " My queen she is ok just overwelmed when she wakes we will be in our home so she will be fine now come and get your car so we can leave. We get to the most beautiful home i have ever seen or should i say castle old and centories old at least back in the 1800" if not older i am so mesmermized by it. "darling do you aprove"? yes my dear it is so beautiful we walk up to the place and open the door and the statues and art are so wonderful inside. Then i am met by the most beautiful women i have ever seen she has long black hair blue eyes and pale skin and a sexy body, Hi my name is Cassandra how are you? I am fine thank you". My name is Mystic i look into her eyes and know we will be friends i know who you are darling". looking at me with those sexy blue eyes giving me chills knowing that she to is one of us. come with me and i will show you around i take her arm and go with her knowing how close i feel to her already not knowing why yet. Darknight gos and takes serenty upstairs to get her settlled in while we are looking around the house. Cassandra takes me first to the dining room it is so big the table is old with a shandlear upabove it and porcilon plates and crystal glasses all setup on it just like a old fashion home.



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