estherofhell's Journal

estherofhell's Journal


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7 entries this month

Jessica's Tale

06:36 Jan 08 2008
Times Read: 802

Martin's brother was a little more gentle that him, but still both of them where rough. but he apparantly liked to bite, for she could feel his teeth bite her shoulders, neck, and breasts. more and more she retreated into herself, more and more she lost herself.

3 months later

now both men used her body for sex. they would take turns each night and use her. neither seemed to care. her only escape from their attentions was her cycle each month. for one week she would cry for the cruelties that had fallen unto her. but when they once more came to her bed she would lay motionless, doing nothing, saying nothing, just laying there taking all of the mistreatment.

one night she heard footsteps outside her door once again she started to retreat into herself but something was off. it wasnt just one pair of footsteps but two. she turned her head to the door to see both men come in a grin on both their faces.

she stared from one to the other not knowing what was about to happen. both men stepped forward. Martin spoke "tonight we decided to share you, together."

she couldnt grasp the meaning of his words. but she didnt need to for they showed her. both men used her body, both of them placing her in the middle of them as they both touched her body and took advantage of her. she couldnt believe it but as seeing the type of men they were it wasnt very much of a shock either.




Jessica's Tale

07:40 Jan 06 2008
Times Read: 807

she met at the park that same day with Alexandra who rushed to her as soon as she saw her bruised face. some marks wher impossible to hide.

worry in her voice Alexandra asked her "Jessica what in heavens name happened to you?"

what could she do tell her that her own husband rapped and abussed her. that he beat her last night. no, so she lied as always "nothing i simply tripped on the hem of my gown last night and fell down the stairs of my home."

still frowning Alexandra accepted her answer and nodded. like before they spent their time speaking. trying to ignore Jessica's bruised face and body.

a week later some of the bruises where gone. but new ones had been made to her by Martin's hands of course. as she sat in bed awaiting her nightmare to continue she heard footsteps out side the door. she could already feel herself recieding into herself. the door opened but Martin did not enter it was another. this man was taller, more broader in his chest. muscles defined. he had Martin's same black hair and brown eyes. he smiled "so you are the woman continues to speak of the woman he had to steal from another and fuck repeadily" he chuckled shaking his head.

though agaisnt herself she hoped. she hoped the man would set her free. she didnt know what she would do ones she was free again but she wanted to escape. then in a blink on an eye all hope died when he walked towards her and examined her from head to toe, as if choosing cattle. then he stood infront of her and smiled. Martin came into the room, dressed in his robe again. he stopped seeing his brother with his prisoner. "oh brother, what are you doing here?"

hope died even more. "i came to see why it is you speak so much of this woman. i must say she is a fine catch."

Martin smiled and nodded, he stared at Jessica as if he'd made the right choice in a pet.

the other man looked at her and smiled. "but i must wonder if she is as good in bed as you say"

Martin hesitated but then nodded once again "take her for tonight if you wish brother, i will go to my bed tonight then." he turned and left the room.




Jessica's tale

08:25 Jan 04 2008
Times Read: 812

the next day Jessica met with Alexandra once more at the park. the gaurds close enough to hear their conversation yet at a small ditance. Alexandra noticed the bruises on Jessica's neck, they looked like fingers. shicked she asked "Jessica tell me did someone try to strangle you yesterday?"

Jessica quickly covered the bruises "no its just that i tied my scard too tightly around my neck last night and it left me the marks."

Alexandra knew she was lying to her, the marks looked to much like fingers besides a scarf could not leave marks espeacially not like that, but she simply smiled and nodded.

the whole hour and a half was spent talking about the usuall balls and social parties. Jessica claimed that shed never gone to one, she discreatly tried to learn how Edward was doing. so far she learned that he continued to appear at gathering a lone. inwardly she sighed, oh how she missed her darling husband her only love. she wished she could see him once more. to hold him to be with him.....

that night as Martin finished with her he noticed her stomach was just slightly rounder. he also remembered that hed used her every night for the past 2 months, she hadnt said anything about her cycle so hed simply taken her each night. now he wondered he turned he head towards him forcing her to look at him. "Jessica are you pregnant again?"

he saw her slightest stiffen, his hold on her tightened. "tell me are you expecting again?"

she looked away not denying it at all. he sighed "you stupid bitch you never learn do you?" he dragged her off the bed by her hair and threw her on the floor. he cared not that she was naked or that hed just taken pleasure from her body again. he simply beat her, he beat her until she spit blood. until her body was covered in bruises and he was sure that he'd gotten rid off the fetus once again. then he beat her again just to see her lay there on the floor bleeding, curled into herself. then as if nothing had happened he simply put on his robe and left.

she couldnt believe it, hed discovered it for himself and killed the poor life inside her again! she lay on the floor naked, cold, covered in bruises but unable to move. she didnt think she could move it hurt too much, even breathing hurt her. so she simply lay there on the cold hard floor. she couldnt move the pain was too much but like before the loss of the child was even greatter, and like before she cried. that poor innocent thing it had no faults yet no chance to live, itd never had a chance.

the morning came she awoke exactly where hed left her. cold, naked, and bruised on the floor. the gaurds and maids saw her as they prepared her bath for the morning but she didnt care, her bruises still hurt. the gaurds helped her up and layed her in the tub where the maid tenderly washed her. yet she paid them all no attention. they all stared at her bruised body, evidence of their masters cruilty to his prisoner. yet no one said a word no one did a thing for the poor woman. they saw how her eyes where always so expressionless. she no longer asked for their help to escape, she knew they couldnt help her for fear of what their master would do.

Jessica dressed in the gown the maid gave to her, allowed her to apply some powder on the worst of her bruises. she felt the sting as the woman gently applied the powder to her face yet she welcomed the pain, now her well known trusted friend.




Jessica's tale

09:25 Jan 02 2008
Times Read: 825

the next day as she walked in the park again she saw Alexandra, she was heading towards her. Jessica looked back at the gaurds not knowing what to do again, they seemed at a lost just like her self. Alexandra smiled and curtsied to her, she did the same.

"Lady Jessica how pleasant it is to see you again! may i after your health?"

Jessica gave her a fake pleasant smile "i am well, but what of yourself Lady Alexandra?"

"please call me Alex everyone else does so. i have been well."

"that is good to hear"

"Jessica..may i call you Jessica i dislike formalities sometimes" she continued to smile at her

Jessica nodded still at a loss not knowing what to do or how to get away from Martins wife "would you enjoy to take a stroll with me?"

Jessica nodded once more, Alex intertwined her arm with hers and began to walk. she could see the gaurds following at a short distance.

they found a bench near a pond they sat Alexandra turned towards her "tell me Jessica why is it that those tow gaurds always follow you?" she looked at the gaurds that where staring at both at them. it was obious they both dissaproved of the woman talking to her.

Jessica looked at her hands down on her lap. what should she tell her? she couldnt just tell her the truth. if she did Martin would rape her, beat her, and probably give her up to a whore house. she didnt want that so she told her a lie.

"i am mistress to a powerful man, he has them watch over me to ensure that no one harms me. and that i dont stray"

Alex frowned "you make yourself sound like an animal. is that how he treats you?" Jessica could see worry in the other womans brown eyes.

she tried to give the woman the most reassuring smile she could possibly fake "no of course not" she lied "he just wishes to make sure that im safe, and he dosent wish to share me, he says hes afraid of some other man trying to steal me away from him"

the worry and frown dissapeared a little from her eyes "tell me Jessica where is your family? why is it that you chose to be a mans mistress instead of chosing a different more stable and reassurable profession?"

the questions had Jessica looking down at her hands again, she noticed her vision was a bit blurry. no she wouldnt cry not in front of another person. she took a deep breath to control herself. "my family all died due to a terrible incedent about six months back." she took another deep breath and felt sadness seep deeper into her as she continued to lie to the woman, but what other choice did she have? "i chose to be a mans mistress because i didnt know what else to do"

Alex patted her hand "im sorry for the loss of your family. but im sure you could have found a better prfession but alas i will not meddle in your life" she smiled reassuringly at Jessica almost making her want to smile back but she didnt.

Jessica turned as she heard one of the gaurds clear their throaght. he step forward and bowed before Alex. "my lady if you please excuse my intrusion i must lead Lady Jessica back to our estate before it gets dark."

both women stood Alex sighed "very well i suppose i dont wish to keep you for so long. i hope we can meet again here tomorro at the same time i really do enjoy your company." she smiled

Jessica nodded "that would be pleasant" she started to curtsy before Alex stopped her smiling at her "you dont need to do that."

before Jessica could respond the gaurd interrupted "my lady we must be on our way before his lordship begins to worry about your were abouts" he lead her away and back to her confined room.

as before the gaurds informed Martin that she had spoken with his wife. and as before he stormed into the room filled with anger. he slammed her against the nearest wall, just hard enough for the wind to ruch out her lungs and hard enough for her to know that she would have bruises on her back. he wrapped his hands tightly around her neck stranggling her. between cleched teeth he asked "tell me exactly how you happened to run into my wife once more? and why the the world you agreed to meet with her tomorrow with her.?"

in between gasps for breath she was able to tell him how his wife had found her. what shed asked her and the lies shed told her. he loosend his hold on her just enough for her to breath more but still not letting go completely of her neck. her throaght was soar and scratchy now. he nodded "very well meet with her on the morrow but you will tell her nothing about me. you will not tell her who i really am who you really are. DONT. REVEAL THAT. TO HER." as he said that he tightened his hold on her again "if you do you already know what i will do to you. do you really wish to go to a whore house?" she managed to somehow shake her head, he smiled and relaxed his hold on her again "good. now you will create a new identity for yourself is that understood?" she nodded "dont give Alexandra any clues or suspicions to snoop around and try to see who you really are. make your stories believable" his hands finally let go of her neck but they now wondered up and down her body. slowly undressing her. he bent his head and kissed her neck then he just simply took her their against the wall.....




Jessica's tale

08:57 Jan 02 2008
Times Read: 828

two months later

she suspected she was pregnant again.this time she didnt tell Martin. though the child was an out come of rape and abuse she didnt want him killing this unborn child. no she couldnt allow him to do that. she didnt know what shed do when her stomach grew bigger with the months to come or even when she gave birth for that matter but shed find a way. some way for the poor child to live. even if it meant to pretend to enjoy Martins advances for the babe, she didnt think she could bare him having her beat again and killing the poor innocnent thing, it was at no fault for what Martin was doing to her. it deserved to live and grow didnt it? shouldnt it? it was a human being wasnt ir? she sighed

Martin wasnt taking anymore chances of his wife cacthing her in their gardens anymore. hed had the gaurds blindfold her tie her then escorteted her to his other estate. she didnt really have any clue where she was any more, but she knew she was even more farther away from her home than she had been in the start. but he would at least have the gaurds "escort" her to a park each day for an hour and a half to keep up her health. she at least took privalage and little comefort in that. the gaurds stayed a little more at a distance from them so people passing by wouldnt really notice much. but shed changed so muich in the mast months from wich Martin had taken her and now constantly abused her that she looked so much different from the person she had once been. she was now a stranger to her own self. besides with the current season their was harly anyone at the park. making it more secluded and enjoyable. she didnt have to put a fake smile or curtsy or pretend that all was well. when in fact all was a living hell.

even with all the distance in between Martin still mange to appear in her room every night to take advantage of her. she wondered how he managed to do that each night. had his wife never awoke to find her husband missing each night and wonder where he was? what he did? did Martin even touch his wife? did Alexandra find his touch as repousive as she did? the days in her new sorroundings where as borring and trechourus as the old. but at least now she found herself in the master bedchamber. it was bigger, there were more doors, which where all locked except for the closet with the clothes he provided for her since he seem to rip everything off her body each night in a hurry to get to her body but she didnt go in there she found no point, the maids dressed her in which ever gown Martin chose for her. he seemed to control each aspect of her her life. she was thankful her mind was still hers, but wondered for how much longer that would last her?

the room actually had windows, she was finally able to see out side and if werent for the gaurds standing out side the windows she mights have been able to escape. and it was very hardly she could jump down to her death for the house had only one floor though many rooms. the sun was setting soon Martin would arrive then leave at the crack of dawn as always. soon the maids would come in and dress her in a new night gown he had instructed for them to dress her in. then he would arrive rip the gown away and rape her again and again. and she would lie ther doing nothing taking the abuse knowing there was no way to stop him.




Jessica's tale

07:46 Jan 01 2008
Times Read: 815

Jessica sighed that had been so close! shed actually met Martin's wife! she wondered why Martin was so unfaithful to his wife. she was very pretty and so nice. she felt sorry for the poor woman she was probably just as old as herself and her husband had another woman prisoner right under her own nose!! what a bastard! her hatred for Martin grew.now she worried over what Martin might do to her when the gaurds told him that his wife and her had met face to face.........

she stood up from the bed as Martin stormed in. he back handed her "YOU STUPID LITTLE BITCH!" her head snapped back from the force of his hit. she could feel a drip of blood run from her lip to her chin. the room was spinning and her head was now pounding. he grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her, the room span even faster for her, she grabed his shoulders for support "HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO MY WIFE! WHAT DID YOU TELL HER?! YOU BETTER NOT HAVE TOLD HER THAT I HAVE YOU HERE OR ILL FUCKING KILL YOU WITH MY OWN TO HANDS!!!"

at the moment death wasnt a very bad idea but for some reason she answered him "nothing my lord she asked my name i told her but i didnt use my title, she asked why i wandered the gardens and i told her i had paid you a social visit and hadnt been able to resist wandering through the gardens then i excused myself and left" the room had finally stopped spinning. she saw how his face changed from rage to calm.

he relaxed more then smiled he bent and kissed her bleeding mouth licking away the blood. making her stomach tighten in disgust. she couldnt help herself she turned her head away from him as he bent to kiss her lips. he grabbed a fist full of her hair and forced him to face him as he forced his mouth upon hers. her teeth cut her lips she tasted the blood yet he was unstoppable. he ripped off her gown looking at her naked body with so much lust in his eyes. he licked his lips she felt like a rabbit suddenly discovered by the hungry wolf knowing death was coming but unable to run unable to stop it or him. he shoved her unto the bed took of his robe and climbed unto the bed laying on top of her. he explored her body with his hands and mouth, were Jessica had once felt pleasure she now felt discust. something shed once thought to be beautiful now made her stomach tighten to the point were she wished to throw up with so much hatred towards it towards him.

she felt him nudge her legs open and push himself inside her. he sighed agaist her neck. unable to stand it she turned her face away from him. she retreated within her own mind. her only safety. but she could still see it all. see herself as she lay beneath Martin, emotionless a blank face staring at nothing a gaze distant. she saw him pushing into her soft core then exiting. he was relentless he only seeked his own pleasure and she didnt stop him she couldnt stop him. she both saw and felt as he entered her once more as he groaned and released himself with in her. as he panted agaist her pale skin, he was covered in sweat. he rolled off her and lay next to her. she could feel some of his sperm on her thighs. it all made her wish to throw up but she pushed the sensation down refussing to show how much he disgusted her for he would just repeat the process sooner. even if he wasnt hard.




Jessica's tale

02:10 Jan 01 2008
Times Read: 785

another month no escape no way out. her sanity still suffering. bruses and scars covered her body and soul. as she wandered the garden again her only light she saw a woma she was very pretty. she was pale, she had brown hair that was held up by pearl pins. she was of average height she wore a beautiful bage gown. she had a pearl bracelet on her right wrist and a pearl necklace to match her hair pins. as the woman came closer she could see she had dark brown eyes, she also smiled at her. for a moment Jessica envied her smile for her smile was true.

Jessica took a step back to hide more with in the shadow of the tree she was standing underneath but it was too late the woman had already seen her and was now heading towards her. Jessica looked behind her at the gaurds who where suppose to be watching her they were speaking to each other. she stared as the woman reached her and continued to smile "hello" she curtsied "may i ask who you are?"

Jessica curtsied as well "my name is Jessica..." she let the rest of her sentence go not knowing if she should use her title incase the woman told Martin and he had her killed or even worse beat again.

the woman continued to smile "my name is Alexandra i am wife to Martin. may i ask why you are on our grounds?"

the gaurds finally intercepted "my lady if you will excuse us we must escort Lady Jessica back to her home"

Alexandra frowned "you will do no such thing"

the gaurds hesitated then retreated back into the background but were close enough to listen to their conversation.

Alexandra smiled once more at Jessica "tell me Jessica why i find you so alone in the gardens"

Jessica hesitated then licked her suddenly dry lips "i....um....i" she thought of a lie though she hated to lie to the woman who so har had been so nice to her she couldnt risk Martin savagly beating her for talking to his wife "i came hear to speak with your husband, i saw the garden and i was unable to stop myself from wandering around, but i must be on my way now before it gets late."

Alexandra found that strange it was barely mid afternon but she smiled anyways and watched the woman leave with the two gaurds. *how strange*



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