LISTEN 11/10/07
how do i make you listen?
u say ur my best friend
that u'll always be there
for me when i need you most
well i need you i've been trying
to make you listen but
for some reason you cant hear
my screams and wails
why dont you listen
im always there for you
when you need me
but i cant find you
you said that your
my best friend
that youd be there when
i needed some one to listen
but i turn and cant find you
and when i do manage to
say whats on my mind
it all seems to gon in through
one ear and out the other
you never remember
my most horrible of ordeals
or some of my most important things
you cant remember
and yet i remember all of yours
you always find me by your side
i continue to care and protect you
because all in all your still my best friend
but why dont you listen
why cant you hear my screams for help
your suppossed to feel everythin i feel
like i feel all your emotions even from miles away
but your unable to feel how i feel
why? why cant you feel or hear me?
whats changed so much that i find my self alone
in my time of need
no matter how hard or how many times
i tell my self not to care as much
or to worry or protect you as
much i cant help it i seem to always fall back into
the same situation
what is it thats changed??
why cant you hear me cry??
ive lived many lifes
seen many things
done many things
created and destroyed
ive loved and lost
but no matter what shakespear
or others say
i would have chosen to never have
loved at all
for then i wouldnt feel as i do now
misserable and alone
so empty in side
a wondering soul
watchin as others say those
three words that have lost
their true meaning
to have loved and lost
so many times
see how youd react
to see the one you
love die over and over again
though you die by his side
see how you feel as you see
his life slowly slip away
for your safety
for your protection
to have loved and lose
i dont wish it any more
say as you wish
but to love is not for me
for if we meet once again
this time ill die berofe thee