soon enough after domonics death i moved out of the cottage and into one of my own. i never gave it away just didnt live there. i only returned when i wanted to feel close to him. when i missed him so much the pain became unberable. or just when i wished to get away from the world for a while.
a year or so passed befpre i had another lover a human this time. he was strong for his kind and handsome. with black shining wazy hair and clear blue eyes. standing at 6 ft and pleasuarble were it most counted. our affair only lasted about a year before i grew tired of him. life had become but a blur to me now with our domonic in it.
i was still pursued by azerath and my own enemies but i hardly noticed now. lovers came and went, but never did i feel for them any where near as much as i felt for domonic.
one night as i sat on a river bank thinking about domonic and staring blindly into the full moon i heard a rustling behind the trees.
i stood and waited for them to come out. i faced a tall elegant man. he was farily tall and masculin. he had crystal blue eyes and a smile that was catching. but he seemed to wear power and authority like a second skin. he came closer and bowed, still holdng i contact i curtsied. he introduced himself as Anthony he explained that hed been walking by when he spotted me sitting on the river bank and couldnt help to ask (in his words) "what such a lovely creature could be doing alone at night"
my resonse was just to arch an eyebrow and continue to stare incredulouse at him.
he laughed "what cat got your tung? or are you too speachless from coming to find thee here? to spend a night in your company would be heavanly."
i simply laughed "and with those words would you wish for me to swoon at your feet and take you into my arms and into me bed??" i laughed once more.
he gave a look of fake shock "she speaks. i very much doubt or would want you to swoon at my feet. but for the later that is only if you wish my lady. i would not mind even if you would wish to sit here and stare at the sky above you. it is in no comparison to your beautty"
once more i laughed "keep this place for your self Anthony i have no need of it any more than i would for thee" with that i laughed again and walked away leaving him behind. who would have known that anthony would appear later in my life again.
the next night i walked in to find domonic badly injured. he was covered in cuts and bruises, bleeding from some very serious cuts that peirced his body. i ran to him. "Domonic what happened to you?"
holding his side where one of the most of his serious cuts didnt seem to wish to stop bleeding he answered "we were ambushed"
i helped him up to the his bedroom, the bed room we now shared. i checked his injuries and with the few herbs we had there i cleaned them as neatly and quickly as i could.
i brushed back his long hair gently with my fingers and whispered to him encouringly.
soon i left him too pick more herbs from outside. i was gone no longer than half an hour. i soon came back in but what i discovered there still pulls at my heart.
i reached the room to find a woman standing over him. a sword in her hand that same sword pericing his chest. letting the herbs fall where they may on the floor. i simply pulled out my fathers sword and fought her. metal crashed against metal. both our blood spilled onto the floor making it a bit slippery.
finally she fell, with my sword pointed at her chest i asked "who sent you and why?"
barely audiaable she answered "azrerath"
applaying more pressure to the sword making it pierce her skin and making her bleed a bit more. i asked her once more "why? what reason did azerath give you to come here and kill domonic?"
she didnt reply so i ended her life. then ran back to domonic holding him in my arms rocking him back and forth. i tried to comfort him, tried to comfort myself. once more gently pushing back the blood covered hair from his face i spoke softly into his ear. and tried to once more heal the wounds. "its ok domonic youll be fine. let me just clean out your wounds and with rest and time things will be right again."
he stopped my hand with his as i cleaned the new wound "no its ok. my time is now over dont try to disguise it kerra."
i burried my face in his neck and told him "i cant i cant let you go. you mean so much to me. what of our promises?"
he brushed my hair out of my face to make me look at him. "its ok. we will meet again and i will keep my word to you. kerra i love you never doubt that, ive loved you since i saw you that first night"
i couldnt hide it from him any longer and most especially now that he was about to die "domonic im pregnant. 3 months and its yours."
he smiled "i know. raise it. raise him or her and live happily. i love you"
with that he died in my arms and left my there. covered in blood. his, the womans, and my own. i lost our child but never forgot him. hes still one of the greatest things to happen to me. in any life.
when i arrived home i still couldnt tell him. i just couldnt seem to bring myself to tell him of what i had suspected. and what sarah had said which made me more curious to find out if i truely was with child or not. either way i simply kept quiet about the matter and let things run their course. though i still suspected he might know. for he begun the habbit of sleeping with a hand placed firmly and protectivly over my stomach, close to the womb.
a week later i accompanied him to see the leader of our clans. the one who'd killed my family and brought me to this hell. but one thing i do thank him though, even through all the rage and hatred i had for him. if he hadnt brought me here i wouldnt have met domonic.
so i went with him keeping quiet and my eyes glued to the ground as they spoke. resisting the urge to run my sword through him. after they'd finished speaking one of domonic's friends appeared and he went with him.
azerath took advantage of this. he grabbed me and made me look up at him. "so wench we meet agian." he smiled "for one who escaped me i cant believe you now play submissive to this man." his eyes darkened with lust as he looked me up and down, he strocked my cheek "prepared to give yourself to me?"
i looked up at him fire in my eyes. i spit in his face "never"
he wiped the spit off his face "youll regret your foolishness"
he had no time to say more for domonic walked back in the room and we left.
if i'd known what would be the out come of my defiance towards him i would have given in. not for my self but for the first man to really care for me. if id known then what azerath had planned for domonic and me i would have simply swallowed my anger,rage and pride and doe as he'd wished. my poor dear friend.....