If time and space went away what would be left?
Would there be anything at all left?
If time and space went away would it still all remain there?
But just in a different place? But where?
Where would it all remain?
If time and space all went away would life still exist?
But then again who would care?
one of those days where you dont want to talk to anyone, dont want to hear any ones voice, or there complains. dont want to move dont want to listen. just want to lay there under the night sky watching as it slowly goes by. thinking of everything and nothing all at the same time. thinking of every one and no one. feeling the tears roll down your face unstoppable. thinking of every one youve met and have yet to meet. thinking of how they've affected and change youre life. how theyve all some how in some way all managed to slip into the shattered hurt and even accidently helped turn it more and more into dust. into a shadow of what it could be but never was. thinking of all the events in ones life. thinking of all the places youve been and have yet to be. thinking of what lead you here tonight. of what lead to these unstoppable uncontrolable tears that run down your face to stain your face, thinking of the scars that cover your soul. thinking of everything and nothing all at once. laying there under the night sky unable to move. hopping youll finaly go numb unable to feel, maybe that way it wont hurt so much, thinking and thinking of what ifs'. thinking and pondering what freedom feels like. what it would be like to be the wind. coming and going whenever we please. being free. but are we ever truely free i dont think so. for now i take these five minutes of my life for myself. call me selfish if you wish but i need it. a moment of rest, a moment to pause my life and think and cry before the next event hits me full force. a few moments for myself to clear my head, may not be peace, may not be tranquility, may not be relaxing. but at least i dont have to hear it all. dont have to live it all. dont have to see it all. dont have to be it all. even if it is for these five minutes. five minutes stolen from my life by me. but is this truely my life or is it some one elses??
finally lost myself. lost all meaning. lost everything that is me. what i feared would happen happened. i drowned in waves of so many things. way in over my head, i kept moving but now ive lost myself. wonder where i am, unable to find myself. i search and search but find nothing. now im numb feel like a machine being told what to do. being told what to feel. the gapping whole has now increased. have drowned myself in all that sorrounds me. will i be able to find myself? was i ever truely me? or was i just the pet of every one around me? telling me what to do, what to expect, following rules and expectations. chained,drowned and lost for all time. a pet to every one and no one. ive become what i hate and hate what ive become. bound and tied and drowning, chained to the ground and walls. no way to be free no exits to be found. no way to breack the chains that bind me or atleast remove the water that drowns me. a pet to every one and no one. lost for all time unable to be found unavble to be free, but then again is any one truely free?
as the storm rages on i find myself yet again all alone. no one around no one to help. sometimes when the rain turns from a down pour to a steady drizzle i think i can see them their. i want to run to reach out to them and catch them be with them. the ones i love. but when i do what will i say? how could i possivly explain what rages on through my mind?? how to make them understand my every thought. so i hesitate and then the down pour continues on. so alone once more i stand in a ice cold night. freezing trembling but with no where to go no where to run. no other option but to stand there and continue to do so. tears running down my face, cold, freezing and numb.