im really tired of this. My best friend talks shit on me and then this morning the guy i like was being an ass to her i didnt do anything about it so i decided i didnt need to be in love i just needed friends...btw this is the second time ive given up a guy for i go an apologize after being completly rejected and all she had to say was it dosnt matter....oh my god cant u forgive now im gonna have people on me like a pack of wolves all because im a "bitchy" friend i fucking hate this....oh my god i wanna kill myself im alone
u know how people are always like i dont wanna look retarted well i would go out in a yello tutu and a pink liotard in the middle of the mall for my friends i luv them so much i would kill for them yah im the crazy one of the group but they love me and yah they can be shy but hell id kill 4 em......i luv u guys like i luv my teddy frog, ginipig