I sure we all have dreams that eather come true or keep come back. I have had the same dream for about three years but it happens about tewis a year. It alwas start out the same way.
The room is darkand I am sitting at a talbe. with alot food, infront o me and a sliver glass with jews init at frist it is empyte. Then I see a pearson infornt of me down at the other end of the table, all I can make out of him is that he has big black horns and long finger nails. he sticks his hand and say drink. Then the glass that was empyt becomes full with red water.
He get up from his sit and start to walk over to me, He has red skin and huffs for feet. Looks like the monster darknees from the move leagend with tom cures. For give the spelling. He get right next to my ear and start to say something and befor I can hear what he has to say. I alwas wake up, in all the time I have had the dream. I have never heard what he has to say. But some day I will
It finally rained here and broke the heet that was makeing my walk trubling. The lighting and thunder was really the best part. The cops stop me and ask me why I was walking around in a thunder strom. I just keep right now walking, it is funny how rain can make you forget thing and how it make you feel better about other at the same time. the werewolf I live with, never like walking in the rain and for that I cam gald I really dislike the weat dog smell. people alwas ask me where does the time go, they say it move to fast. Hell for me I think it move to slow. Now that the rain is gone I wish it would come back so I can go out for a walk agin. Well that is all for now more to come later
Well what is there to say or talk about tonight, nothing really. I am sitting here about to go on my walk and for it to rain soon. I hope it does really soon it is getting hoter and hoter around here. Need something to cool this town off well that is is for now more to come later
It as been wram these last night I have been on my walk, and as alwas the copes are following me and stoping me asking me what I am doing out so late at night. Like they have anything better to do in this town. I live in a small town full of chruches and bible thumper. It is enuff to dirve a vampire or wicth or wolf nuts. they never get off there high horse and try and see thing from my eyes. But it is funny most of them are bigger siner then i ever will be lol. I keep look for my kind around this town and the other towns near here but there are not mine vampire here gothis yes vampire no. the only friends i ahve here are a werewolf and his borther how say he is a vampire but I don't think he is. he does not have the same test as I do or his werewolf brother. More to come later
You think liveing with a werewolf is easy try it! I have live with one for about 2 year now. it is okay from time to time but when you go in to take a shower and find his hair all over the places it gets to you some times. I have lived for 26 year and have seen some stuff that most people would never belive. Ghost, werewolfs, shodws that really move when you come into a room. hunter that try and feed off my own power. More to come later.