So we are clear. a soul or spirit or a ghost all fall under the same thing in spirituality it's called the astral form everything in the universe is recycling so is the spirit it is a collective of different experiences over different life time's to reach enlightenment through wisdom that we are all one
Well so this goes on the fact of a after life that there is no end to living just a new beginning when you die the soul or spirit of a being will learn from experience to reach a new level of self under standing so all knowledge is about self understanding so the soul will live more then one life time it's why we dream to remember who we are it's why it feels real to some like for my self being a soldier in war and Elizabeth was apart of the dreams because we cross paths in more then one life time but here we now in this one but life goes on
So I say Interesting because to see what something will become if they become the strongest and higher form of them self or just stay in the default self that world set them to be to never see the greater from of them self of the power within but most choice not to use it or know they have it that is the down side of being ignorant to are self
So seeing how things turned out it is no surprise how Elizabeth just has to gloat about her life.😏 other then I know the man she is with I called him out for being a hypocrite so I guess they are made for each other 👏but just seeing her make a fool out of her self by trying to insult the English language when you don't pronounce the country right of Hungary then trying to speak there language with terrible grammar well that show's little respect to your home I feel sorry for her trying to hide what she is the sad part is them kid's won't be apart of her wedding because that is what she choice interesting of what people will give up for their own happiness 😒
04:49 Oct 19 2016
and they're already altogether, but sadly right now everyone is hating them over something silly.