2 entries this month
dreams again
23:37 Feb 23 2010
Times Read: 876
I had a dream about tiny 4ft cloaked stocky crature that bit bottom of the back of my neck this morning while i was dreaming of walking home with 2 people, as we turned to the main street from the alley, i crossed the road under a street light after seeing 3 creatures come towards me and one followed me.
Then 2 followed the others, we was all walking and there was 3 creatures and my 2 other friends were walking the otherside of road, we were wearing black cloaks from what i remember, i did not see who was with me.
It jumped on my back it's bites were more like pinches and got harder, i was in disbelief, then it registered, i tried to get the little fucker off as it clung to my back then i woke up as it bit harder not breaking the skin.
Little fuckers looked like cloaked trolls
13:56 Feb 19 2010
Times Read: 888
I went to a western Reiki class last night, it was interesting i saw colours in meditations after being attuned by one of the teachers the colours were dark violet and a dull green, the violet took over.
We then went through holding chackra areas and feeling the energy in our hands after the atunement, which in my case was quite low but the teacher said there was some there, they asked us to feel the energy with our hands, send or feel the energy with another class member which can feel warm and then cleanse after by sweeping it away arm to shoulder.
When i slept i woke up my dream was unpleasant, i was being attacked hit with an object. I could feel the warm blood on my head drip down to my neck, i choked this person who was choking me in return to back the person off, he was wearing a cream button up shirt and dark trousers. Maybe my dream was because i have a sling round my arm at this moment and was lying on my back uncomfortable.
As i woke rather alarmed i heard a single sharp hum about 10 times, i saw a dark black smokey cluster in my room at the top corner, this eventualy turned purple, it came closer and went near my left shoulder it became a bright glowing purple flame on my duvet and sunk down
This was quite intense, not had a good exciting dream for over a month, the last real kind of dreams was long ago, maybe the lack of sleep lately and being online so often triggered this dream off and being asleep on my back.
Which could have made me uncomfortable as my head was forward pushed up high by my pillow, but the rest was real i was very awake.
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