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Igor stop laughing you witless retard n fetch me what i require at once
Igor .... little does he understand i'm the one running things lately ..... yeah carry on being stuborn, i also think it might be a good idea getting a pteradactyl to guard the castle while were on holidays.
He dont trust me here thinks im going to have partys n do something foolish like flood the place running too many baths but nobody could trust fritz
fritz was burning the new pteradactyl just to hear it shreik
Igor tell Fritz yoour brother not to carry on people watching and get involved by complementing them about having nice boobs, you will get the villagers knocking on the door with lighted torches, that will really top things, i dont need more trouble.
I have told his mother and she is angry and waiting for him shes always had to watch you both, no wonder she has 2 heads