Have you ever looked up at the sky and wondered what it would feel like to free fall through the inky blackness of a starlit sky? Even knowing there is a very sudden and dramatic stop at the bottom, I believe that it is the human's natural curiosity that provokes these thoughts at the expense of our own mortality.
I find myself contemplating dark things as of late. Death, sickness, darkness and all the things that lurk within each of those. And I find that there is a void in my soul, the shape of which I have not yet discerned. The optimist inside of me feels that once I can find the puzzle piece that fits that void, I will feel like me again, that I will feel whole. But how much pain must I endure in the trying??? How much can I endure? And finally, how will I truly know that it is the right piece once I see it, as there have been so many other wolves in sheep's clothing before? THAT, my freaky darlings, is the million dollar question.