if you read this post on it please
i wood like to meet and make now friends
The key here, I think, is to not think of death as an end. But think of it more as a very effective way of cutting down on your expenses.
today was a bad day it wus hell at work me and 2 more wus there and we wus bizzy and i had truck to put up
today wus a good day. i do not those day that often i hope it stays that way for a fow days
life is hell were i go it is there for me. wen i try to get out of it i go in deeper in it. i thank one day i mite go a way and not come back at all do to i will be 6 feet under
why is life like fishing some days it goes good and same days wut u do is not good enufe for some. But i now this life suks and i wesh i wus died 85% of the time
00:48 Apr 01 2013
Post :p :)