I see floating heads every where i go
I yell at them saying go away evil spirits
They try to squeeze my heart so tight
I think and say this is not real go away
Then i can breathe again
They want my bloody heart they can't have it
I'm running running from the toture it causes me
I feel like the galaxy is spinning so fast I blackout
I wake up and see poor souls all around me
Then i get up I see im in the grave site
The poor souls go inside my body & mind
They have me see the toture before they died
I see my eyes turning so many so many colors i faint again
Then I wake up to the screams near me
I hide and see someone trying to get murdered
And the next thing I knew I was buried underground
Then i'm died there
I feel so wounded
My agony screams " Help Me Please "
But nobody can hear these painful screams
My eyes are bleeding with painful death
My body falls on dead bodys in the gravegard
I see the river full of blood and screams
I cut myself to taste the precious blood
I scream " You all don't matter anymore "
Every body see's my eyes bleeding down my cheack
They rush me into the 5 th floor
They say to the doctor's im to wounded to handle
The doctor's inject me with horriable meds
I rip out the fucking needles
And scream at the doctor
I unleash my madness and scream off my lungs
I hurt the people trying to fix me when i don't want it
I run out of the hopstial i hich hike
And i smoke with people
But lil did i kno i being followed
I say to myself i will be free soon
And every body can leave the fuck alone
And i die my sleep after i killed myself in my sleep
Them my soul dies with bleeding bodys
And i thank myself im not wounded anymore
I see the living dead every where
It suffercat's me to death
And nobody can hear my painful screams
I feel as if im invisible
And it feels like nobody wants to help me
I live in the pain every day
"I scream I scream " " HELP ME HELP ME "
But nobody can hear my screams because they are silence
I see and feel things that aren't there
People say im crazy inside my mind
I hear whispers every every where I go
But I can't help the fact im taunted
The spirits won't leave me alone forever
I beg for mercy
All I hear is laughing in the backround
I feel so hopeless inside my mind and body
My body feels weak cause of the toture
" I scream BLOODY MURDER "
But nobody takes me seriously
So i cry at the dawn of dusk
I seat alone and say what's wrong with me ?
My heart beats faster then the speed of light
It travel's through out the galaxy .
I ask the galaxy if im crazy ?
All I hear is silence around me everywhere
The spirit's choke me and go inside my body
And ask for help but they can't find the answer they want
So they leave me alone
I see darkness
Everywhere I go
I look for help
And nobody can hear my screams
Nobody wants to help me through this tuture
I'm beging I'm beging i need help
I can't get out of this place
I'm dying inside this broken heart
That can't beat anymore
Becasue Someone " Shot It "
As I slowly die before your eyes you whisper your heart is not broken
And your soul is just wounded deep inside of my body
And is screaming HELP ME !!
But all i hear is the wind in my ear
And i ask what's wrong with my broken heart ?
It's beating and pounding so hard were I can't feel the pain anymore .