i think ive just met the most insane person in the history of the human race, and i Thought i was mad but this person makes me look positively well grounded. the world thrives on people like this. why arent there more popel like that? i fukin love it!!!!!!
bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored
just feel completely empty and directionless, its as if everything has gone!!!!!
im just so full of rage and hatred right now, it burns right thru my entire being!!!!!!!
well thats it official, the last surviving member of my family (my dad) has finally been relesed from his obligation of that post. you win darren. your welcome to all his money, that is after all what you wanted from day 1 no? if nothing else that should make your luxury holiday with him an the rest of his "new" family all the more enjoyable. i however have slightly more dignity than to allow myself to be treated like shit just cos theres a pound note at the end of the rainbow. your all fuking welcome to each other quite frankly. as ever i walk alone!!!!!
oh fuk it ive tried to use this web cam chat on here but it just wont fukin work for some reason, maybe someone can tell me why? please, its very annoying grrrr
just one of them crap days, i seem to have far too many of them these days, i think maybe a change is in order!!!!
had a major fall out with my dad last week, starting to come toterms with it that i think our relationship not just as friends but as father an son as a whole may have come to an end. its fuking infuraiting cos its all been orchestrated by my step brother and it seems like my dad is the only one who doesnt see it, typical right? made the mistake of writing him a letter with verything i feel in it. i reckon that may have bben the final nail in the coffin. before you ask, no it wasnt written drunk or mad, it was just the whole truth and i think it may have come as a shock that i felt that way. dammit i always fuk things up. remember the story of midas, wotever he touched turned to gold? well im the oposite, wotever i touch turns to shit!!!!!
just a little worried bout my friend today. if you read this princess im always here for you, youl be ok i promise x x x
all the goodness that i did have inside me has run out, been given to others in thier time of need, now all that remains is a deep, dark, black hole filled with nothing but hatred, rage, desolation and pain. you can fukin keep this existence frankly!!!
dammit! first time ive had my blades out in bout a month an i go an break my bloody wrist ffs. thinkin maybe im too old to be rollerblading round town, cant bounce off the road like i used to. an now my paw hurts like hell, DOH!!!!!