its funny how you can love someone so much that you would give your life for them and then they dont even care about you. you risk everything just to be with them and you spill your gut out to them and cry on their shoulder then they go and lough in your face and tell you your stupid. you think your going to spend the rest of your life with them when really you spend two years dating off and on. he proply goes and tells his friends how stupid you are for being stuck on him just because you think your love struck. they tell you they love you and that they would die for you when they would rather save their own butt then risk it for yours. ovcourse how can you know what love is at such a young age well you do know and everybody tells you your stupid for loveing them so much and they treat you like crap all along now you sit not wanting to love and not wanting to live but you do because your strong and youll make it through you know mister right is out there somewhere and one day youll find him if your lucky. but now you sit with a heart full of hurt and you cry everday living with the dagger of pain that they stabbed in your heart and you cant pull it out.
18:09 Sep 30 2008
I like the emotion you have poured into the entry...