it came at last. i had to escort my uncle, one of the pople i am the closest to, to prison for a crime he wasnt guilty of. seven years is a long time. hold your loved ones close everyone. you can not guarantee that you will get another chance. the look on his face when we said goodbye was probably one of the hardest things for me. he told me that he wouldnt have made it if i hadnt been there for him. he said that he had always had a soft spot for me, ever since i was a little kid. theres so many things i wish i could have done before he went away. but i guess they will have to wait. whats the problem? well how can you guaruntee he or someone else wont die in the next seven years? you cannot. i have a fear that i wont see him again, or if i do, that he wont see one of us again. loss happens too often in such a small family. it seems that time has come to be my enemy, all the while giving to me my opportunities in life.
04:13 May 22 2018
dang that is too bad, sorry you are going thru this crap :(