Your Kisses placed apon my lips,
the tickle of your finger-tips as you touch my neck,
the strength you have when you hold me in thy arms,
in the darkness of a room,
that resides in the school.
when will i feel that way again?
as i sit awaiting the day.
remanising of a time of passion,
a year of love,
a lifetime.
everyday itz all the same,
i miss you so much,
the pain of being alone,
being here without you,
kills my brain.
the kisses placed apon my lips,
sweetly poisoned,
with every last drop of love,
sweet and peaceful,
like real, true, unique love.
i cant await the day,
where i can finally say,
with words so tender,
words so true.
to take the great leap
the next chapter of life.
the kisses placed apon my lips,
becoming more tender,
even more true.
i think good sir i have fallen,
truely fallen for you.
will you drop me,
or catch me as i fall,
will you even try to,
even try at all?
my hopes are high,
as you lift me into the sky.
i just want to stay here,
here in your arms forever more.
love me right here,
right now,
or let me walk out that door.
the kisses placed apon thy lips,
full of love,
full with passion,
with ton's of peace,
from a ton of doves.
something i should have known,
people aren't always as bad as they seem,
give them time,
be patient,
they'll come around,
and act as they mean.
just a matter of time,
not all as bad as i thought,
much cooler than i imagined,
some more than others,
some much less,
as this school year comes to an end,
i cant help but think of those whom i have befriended.
those whom i have fallen for,
those whom i have lost touch,
and others whom i will miss very very much.
so as my last request,
before i put my thoughts to rest,
can we all for just one day,
say what we mean,
what we feel,
how we feel,
weather we feel,
if at all.
what are you feeling at this moment in time,
as you become etched into my heart,
as i become a memory to my past,
and a future to present.