Life in Darkness
03:29 Oct 15 2009
Times Read: 522
Love is a demon, created to kill
It swallowed my happiness, devoured my will
It left me a shell of dark and despair
Love should have saved me, but it’s never been there
Lies and deception have been all I know
Used and abused, now I’m sinking so low
My friends think they know me, but I don’t let them see
For they would be stunned if they knew the real me
For I cry all alone in my room late at night
The torment I feel, with no end in my sight
But by daylight I'm happy go lucky and strong
Thats not who I am, they've got it all wrong
At times I have felt, like I can’t take much more
But my family still need me, so I can’t pass that door
But the years soon will pass and my children will go
Leaving me at last to dwell on my woe
And who knows in time what dark path I may take
To stop all the hurt and the pain and heartache?
All the songs that I hear tell of love and of joy
Fairytale endings of girl who meets boy
But good things like that just don’t happen to me
The darkness enfolds me, I’ll never be free
I long to cast off all the hurt and mistrust
My heart full of love not just ashes and dust
But the barriers around me, I’ve built them too high
No man will scale them, no man wants to try.
For now I’m protected against further pain
Defensive, aggressive not trusting again
And men clearly see that I’m not one to give
So move on to others who are able to live
I just wish that one day my fears are all shattered
By a man, just like me, all tortured and battered
A kindred spirit as betrayed as me
A Dark Prince, in pain, to set my soul free
And maybe he’d see the deep pit that I’m in
And save me from the emptiness I feel within
A Dark Prince to save me, as I would save him
From the torture of existence, the Hell we live in
To care for each other, be honest and true
To heal each one’s wounds, to make whole and make new
To bring joy and comfort , to keep safe at night
And to finally shatter the darkness with light
03:12 Oct 21 2009
the words are so haunting, it reminds me of how I feel inside. very well penned.
03:34 Oct 27 2009
Thankyou, it just kinda summed up how I felt for so long, and maybe, what I hope will happen to change things for me. Thanks again for your comment :)