Today has been a kind a emotional day. It has taught me something though. No matter how spread apart your family is, they are always going to be your family. No matter if you speak everyday or every month hold on to them. A rift may happen and you may lose touch but don't leave it until its to late, time passes far to quickly and they could be gone before you know it. Life is short hold on to those you cherish and love close to your heart, tell them that you love them you truly do not know what is around that next bend.
R.I.P Gran I know we lost touch and for that I am sorry, you will always be my Gran and I will always love you. I will see you again someday. xxxx
Sorry I have not been around a lot lately. Things have been a little hard. So to my friend I am sorry I have been a suckie friend at this time. You all know that no matter what you are in my hearts and that will never change. Even though I have not been around I have always been with you in thought and heart. I will try and be around a bit more often. *hugs to you all*
On a completely different note. She asked. I said yes. :)
Hard to be considered a sucky friend when you bring a smile so easily.
My time away was truly amazing. I loved every second of being back there with them. I got the answer that I needed and it even turned out to be the ones I was hopping for. Now I am back here I am feeling lost and alone. Trying to hold it together. I will keep things together. I just hate being back here it truly suck's to be apart from them again. :(