how i want to die is in a feld at night whin the moon is full and the wolf howls and its raining me with a sword and the one to kill me with a sword we r staring each outher down wating to see the next move i jump at him or her idk and he or she then stabs my heart my with my last breath i will wispers to the one that kills me it was fun and i smile and fall to the gates of hell and stand in frunt of the devil and say to him this is my home now get out then whin i take over hell i rule it with all my evil and every ounce of my darkness i am known to kill any one who gets in my way if they try to take my life i make then pay with there life the devil is my lap dog and my back up if i ever need it but realy i never need any help whin it comes to fightin but he is just there to watch and in any case i lose he will suver the next king of hell but i wont go that easy it will take alot more then just being strong it would take a strong mind and boddy wich i have and even having the power of a witch in me sleeping i have to fine a way to unlock its power i will some day but i have a lot of work to do in hell so for now i will be gone. Later.