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The Chronicles of Zenith: Book 2: Chapter 3

19:41 Apr 30 2008
Times Read: 551

Chapter 3: A Midnight Song

An hour had passed since Damien helped her into his house. She was sitting at the table inside his kitchen. There was a candle lit at the table, illuminating the room. Damien walked over to the table and set a mug of hot green tea in front of her, then pulled up a chair and sat down.

“I still haven’t gotten your name yet,” he said, taking a sip from his cup.

“It’s Sakura Hisami,” she replied, taking a small sip of tea. “I already know yours, Damien Skye.”

He slowly nodded. Of course she knew his name. He’s the bounty that she’s after.

“So…” Damien started, trying to start a conversation, “where are you from?”

She set her mug down.

“Actually…I don’t know the answer to that one completely. My mother died in childbirth, and my father…I’d rather not talk about him. I left with my sister when I was about ten and went to Karan, the city of wizards and mages. They discovered that I was the last ‘Chaos Mage’, and trained me to use magic. That’s all that I really know.”

“Chaos Mages…that sounds familiar.” Damien replied. “600 years ago, there was a war known as the War of the Magi. The Chaos Mages fought in that war.”

“Yeah, but how do you know that?” she asked.

“My ancestors were Chaos Mages. I read about it in my family’s history. One of my ancestors led them in the war.”

“You’re a Chaos Mage too?!” she asked, accidentally dropping her mug. It fell to the ground and shattered, tea and broken china spilling across the floor. Damien got up and grabbed a rag.

“I guess so. Don’t worry about the mess, I’ll clean it up.”

He started to wipe up the broken china and spilled tea.

“That explains why you’re a lot stronger than anyone else I’ve turned in.” Sakura replied. “I mean, you didn’t even break a sweat when facing me.”

“You had me worried when I was dodging those fire spells,” he replied, trying not to be so impressing.

She silently chuckled as he got up with the damp rag.

“What’s so funny?” he asked.

“It’s just…when I was younger, I always dreamed of finding another one out there…another Chaos Mage. I always hoped that I would meet him and maybe fall in love with him.”

Damien just stood there, lost at what she had just said.

“So…you’re trying to say that I’m the one that you’ve been dreaming about?”

He went to the sink and placed the rag in it.

“Well, not in that manner, but still…” she replied.

“Weird…” he replied.

She got up from the table. She looked at him and asked, “Since you’re worried about me resting, then where am I supposed to sleep?”

“Pick a room, there’s plenty of them.”

She nodded, and then walked out of the kitchen. Damien sighed, and then looked out of the kitchen window.

“What a day this has been.”

He didn’t understand something. He felt something inside of him earlier when he injured her. Was it pity, or was it something else?

Sakura opened the door to a room and walked inside of it. There wasn’t much furniture in there, just a small dresser against the wall, a bed, and a bookshelf. She walked over to the dresser and looked at its surface; there were pictures lying on top of it. The first picture showed Damien as a kid, standing next to an older man about in his fifties. The next picture showed him again, slightly older with a katana in his hand. The last one showed him in his later teens, sitting down next to a pretty girl with long blonde hair.

“Was that the girl that he liked?” she asked herself.

She took off her cloak and armor and set it down next to the bed. She went over to the window and opened it, allowing a cool breeze to enter the room. She walked back over to the bed and gently laid down upon it. Her wound had stopped bleeding, but it would be a while before it would heal.

“Maybe I thought wrong about him.” She said to herself. “He seems to be pretty nice.”

As she looked up at the ceiling, something caught her attention. She heard music, soft and pleasant, coming from outside.

“What could that be?” Sakura asked herself, slowly getting up and walking to the window. When she looked out, she saw Damien near the waterfall, playing a guitar. He was slowly playing the same song that he did three years ago. There seemed to be a certain peace about him that wasn’t there before; it was as if playing that song was like cradling a baby.

“That song…I know that song.” She said. She went to her armor and reached inside, pulling out a pan flute.

“This is all I’ll need.”

Damien continued to play the song, for it seemed to calm his thoughts. When it came time for the same discord, though, he played an extra note on the last string, bringing out the note that created the harmony he discovered four years ago. As he continued to play, he heard another instrument playing along with him. He turned around and saw Sakura playing her pan flute.

“Sakura? You know that song also?” he asked, accidentally hitting another string. He stopped playing.

“This song is known as Sentinae Larea.” she replied. “After the war, the surviving warriors held a victory festival. A few of the remaining Chaos Mages wrote that song and played it during the feast. It was written to bring about a peace that the world may experience one day.”

“…So that’s why we both know this song so well. It was passed down to us throughout the generations.”

Damien smiled, and then started the song again. It started off as a soft, slow melody, but when the pan flute entered, it sped up slightly. They both continued to play the song, a peaceful air between them.

“Sakura?” he asked as he continued to play.

“Hmm?” she asked back.

“I’ve made a decision. I’m going to continue my journey, starting first thing tomorrow morning. Do you want to come with me on my journey? I mean, you’re a pretty strong fighter.”

She smiled, and then responded, “Sorry. I have to continue being a bounty hunter. It helps me to raise money to watch over my younger sister.”

“Oh.” he stopped playing. “Well, maybe we might see each other again on the paths sometime.”

“I’ll look forward to that.” Sakura replied.

They both smiled, and then continued to play the song. They played the song one more time, the peaceful melody rising high into the night sky.



23:37 Apr 30 2008

damn i guess ill be seeing you soon as the next famous auther babe.


The Chronicles of Zenith: Book 2: Chapter 2

17:36 Apr 30 2008
Times Read: 559

Chapter 2: Shattered Hopes

Several hours have passed. Damien had just arrived at Palpalice and looked around. Everything was just how it was when he had left three years ago. The farmers market was still there on the corner of the dirt road. A few houses were built recently next to a small wooden area. Farther ahead was a large waterfall blended in with the mountains. Close to the waterfall was the house of his guardian, Dyne. He had raised Damien ever since his parents died and taught him martial arts.

“You would think that this place would’ve changed some,” he said to himself, walking back towards his new home.

No one was out on the streets, for it was past nightfall. A few windows were lit in different houses, but there was no light in his home. He must be asleep, Damien thought, opening the door. He walked quietly through the hallway and into his old room. Everything was just how he left it: his bed was neatly made, with the pillows laid against the wall; all of his books were stacked neatly on his bookshelf. On it was a folded piece of parchment paper. He reached for it and unfolded it. He noticed that the handwriting was that of Dyne.

“To Damien,

I am not sure of when you will receive this letter. I have left Palpalice to see the world again. I will not be returning, so I leave full possession of this house and it’s belongings to you. I hope that your journey has gone well for you.”

Damien smiled as he placed the note on the bookshelf. He laid himself down on his bed, looking up at the ceiling, his head resting on his hands.

“All of this, now mine…I always thought he was too generous.”

He closed his eyes and fell asleep, feeling happy that he was now back at home.

Damien woke up late the next morning. Now that he was back, he decided that he would go and visit his girlfriend, Elaine. Before he left Palpalice, she had become a florist and worked not too far from where he lived. He didn’t need to take his sword, but he put his knife in his boot just in case.

The sun was shining high in the sky when he headed towards the flower shop. He could already see it from where he was. She should be there by now, he thought. As he walked past the front window, he noticed that the flowers sitting on the windowsill were and wilted. He stopped.

“That’s strange; Elaine would never leave dead flowers here.”

Damien walked into the building, expecting to see rows of bouquets and flowers sitting on shelves, but the place was completely empty. A man was cleaning up behind the counter, which was also barren of any flowers.

“Excuse me?” Damien asked.

The man looked up and saw him.

“I’m sorry to bother you, but is this the flower shop?” Damien continued.

“It used to be. Sorry, lad. It was a flower shop, but the girl who ran it died of sickness about a few months ago.”

Those last few words paralyzed him from the inside. That couldn’t have happened. Last time he saw her, she was perfectly healthy, but then again, she was able to get sick easily.

“She…died?” Damien stuttered.

“They buried her in the cemetery up north. Beautiful headstone there…”

Before the man could even finish, Damien had already ran out of the building and towards the cemetery. He had been there many times to visit his parents, but he despised the thought of having his girlfriend there now, too. He reached the cemetery and stopped. From where he was, he could already see the new headstone. It was light pewter, with many fresh flowers placed in front of it. The ground was still fresh, but a few blades of grass were starting to grow there. As he slowly moved towards the stone, he was able to read the words engraved into it.

‘Here lies Elaine Longsburrow

Beloved Daughter and Cherished Friend’

He read this several times, then sank onto the ground, kneeling. A moment passed, and then he punched the ground in frustration and sadness.

Damien didn’t leave his house that night. He did, however, sit near the waterfall behind his house. He was slowly shining his katana, reflecting upon his memories of Elaine. How long ago was it that he last saw her? Six months ago? He sighed, and then slid the sword back into its scabbard. He slowly got up from where he was sitting, and was about to leave when he heard a rustle from one of the trees near him. He stopped and looked at the tree.

“Who’s there?” he demanded. The wind was hardly strong enough to rattle the leaves.

A moment passed by in silence. Damien slowly slid the sword back out of its scabbard. His senses tingled. Without hesitating, he jumped back just as a shuriken flew down at him, sinking into the ground where he was last standing. A figure jumped from the tree and landed skillfully in front of it. It was a girl, looking close to his age. She was wearing a suit of standard bounty hunter armor, carrying a katana in her hands. She had long, brown hair and brown eyes. She was very pretty.

“Well, it looks like the hunter just become the hunted.” She said.

“Who are you?” Damien demanded, holding his ground.

She threw back her long hair, saying, “My name is none of your concern. I’m a bounty hunter from Fort Bilay, and I’m after the price on your capture.”

Damien stood there for a minute, the burst into laughter. He had already encountered a few of them before, but they were too inexperienced to fight him. The girl unrolled a scroll of parchment and flashed it to him. It had a picture of him on it, with a reward of 10,000 midel. This time, Damien laughed even harder.

“What makes you think that you can capture me? All of your friends failed, what makes you any different?”

“I have the advantage because I know how to use magic.”

Damien stopped. He knew how powerful magic was. He faced others before that knew magic and remembered the pain it could do to you. If she knew how to use it skillfully, then he would have to stay on guard.

“Are you going to hand yourself in now, or do you plan on fighting?” she asked.

Damien smirked, and then replied sarcastically, “I’d rather burn in hell.”

“Be my guest. Flaria Manah!” She said, aiming her hand at him.

A fireball flew at him at a great speed. He jumped to the side, barely getting hit by some of the flames, singeing his arm. Another came at him, making him have to roll out of the way.

“What’s the matter? Can’t take the heat?” she mocked, firing another at his general location.

She’s good at using magic, he thought as he dodged another. Problem is, all she seems to know are learner spells.

He rolled towards her to where he was in combat range. He moved to her and swung at her. She had already thought of that, and brought her sword up and blocked the hit, staring hard into Damien’s silver eyes.

“It’s a pity I have to turn in a guy as handsome as you,” she said, their swords still pushing against one another.

“Or someone as pretty as you,” Damien replied, pulling back his sword.

The next few minutes passed by in an exchange of furious attacks. Both were equally matched. Damien, however, had greater stamina than she did. She was starting to slow down, breathing deeply. She wasn’t giving in, however. He took this as an opportunity to attack. He went for a downward slash, but she didn’t block it in time. His sword cut deeply across her arm. She let out a cry of pain, dropping her sword and holding her wound, slowing the flow of blood that was pouring out. She sank to her knees, slightly crying from the pain. Damien felt a surge of pity for her, and getting down on his knees next to her, he pulled out a large pad of gauze and some medicine from his coat pocket.

“Here, hold still,” he said, gently grabbing her arm and applying some salve to it. She looked at him in curiosity, tears still in her eyes. Now that he was this close to her, he could see the full details of her face. Her face was pure, with a few tears running down her cheeks.

“Why are you helping me?” she asked. “After what I was trying to do?”

He wrapped the gauze around the wound, saying, “A lot of people in the world wouldn’t care if their opponent was injured or not. They would leave them to die. I’m not like that. Besides, I couldn’t kill a girl as cute as you………You’re just as pretty as her…”

“Who?” the girl asked.

Damien paused. It was painful enough to look back on Elaine, but since he brought it up, he might as well continue.

“A girl that I knew before she died.” He replied, taping up the gauze.

“Was she…your girlfriend?”

Damien didn’t answer as he slowly got up. His silence gave her the answer.

“Oh…I’m sorry for asking. Forget that I said anything.”

She got up with some difficulty, having to use her good arm just to even get up off of the ground. She started to walk away, then fell. He walked over to her. He gently helped her up.

“I don’t think you should keep traveling. You’re hurt.” He said. “You need to rest.”

She slowly looked at him in confusion.

“You sure about that?” she asked.

“Sure. It’s no problem for me,” he replied.

She looked at him for a moment, and then nodded. He helped her get up off of the ground to where she could stand and helped her walk to his house.



23:35 Apr 30 2008

is it normal to have like tingles going down my back after i read this lol


The Chronicles of Zenith: Book 2: Chapter 1

17:07 Apr 30 2008
Times Read: 563

Before I begin typing, I shall warn you, this material is being patented and copyrighted. If stolen, I will personally find you and kill you :)

Now, onto business, I need reviews on what can be made better...It starts off slow in the first couple of chapters, but it'll get better.

Chapter 1: Damien Skye, the boy who lived

The night was shattered from its peaceful silence by the sound of raging flames. A house was engulfed in a fiery inferno in the village known as Palpalice. Two men from the village ran down the path to the house and stopped at a safe distance from it, about several yards away.

“Damn it! Who could have done this?” the first one exclaimed, cursing under his breath. He appeared to be the blacksmith of the village, for his clothes and skin were darkened by soot and ash.

“I don’t know,” the other man asked. He was an older man, in his late forties. His long hair was beginning to gray. “Whoever did this, though, won’t get away with this.” His voice had a ring to it as if he had a sneaking suspicion of who it may be, but he covered it up.

“Look, Dyne!” he exclaimed, pointing out something on the ground nearby. Two bodies were lying on the ground, blood-stained and freshly dead. They both ran over to the bodies and examined them.

“It’s no use, Roy. They’re dead.” The man named Dyne said quietly. “It looks like they were stabbed with a weapon…a sword, perhaps.”

Roy continued cursing under his breath. Dyne slowly got up and looked around. He had a puzzled look on his face, like that of a child remembering something important.

“That’s odd. Where’s young Damien?” he asked.

Roy, too, got up and looked around.

“Over there!”

He headed over to a thick patch of trees that surrounded the house. Lying against one of the trees was a young boy, about nine years old. He had silver hair, with a pair of silver eyes to match. He was badly injured, with a trickle of blood running down his face. Dyne followed him and looked down upon him.

“Is he still alive?” Dyne asked.

Roy bent down and placed his fingers to his neck, checking for a pulse.

“Just barely,” he replied. “C’mon, let’s take him somewhere to fix him up.”

Evenings were always beautiful in the Great Plains Region. The sun was hanging low in the sky, drowning the land in a golden flood. The sky was a bright orange, with clouds from pink to purple floating in the air. Below, a small creek ran through the land, catching the sun's light and reflecting its radiance. In the Great Plains, there were no forests, but occasionally you would find a patch of trees as you moved on. Sitting on top of a hill, watching the sun set into the horizon, was a young swordsman named Damien Skye. He was quite young to the new world, being only nineteen years old. He had long, silver hair that shone brightly in the light and at night, along with a pair of silver eyes to match. He was on his way back home to Palpalice, a village that rested in the heart of the Great Plains. He had left home at the age of sixteen on a journey to find the man who had murdered his parents when he was younger, but his quest was unfruitful. As Damien sat there under a few trees, he looked back at the last time when he actually watched the sun set.

It was four years ago. There was a festival being held in Palpalice, and Damien was to play the guitar. It was in the middle of the afternoon. Damien was in his room, quietly working on the song he decided to play for the festival. It was a slow, peaceful song, meant to show everyone the peace that Palpalice had. Suddenly, he stopped, for he hit a discord.

"Stupid note..." he replied. He played that part again, hoping to get it right this time, but the discord was still there. This discord, however, still sounded melodic, but it also felt as if it didn't belong there, as if a part was missing. Again, he played the song, but the discord was still there.

"What's up with this stupid note?"

He played the song a few more times, but in the end gave up on fixing the note. He had to be in the festival, whether he played the note right or not.

The time for the festival began. All of the villagers were having a great time chatting with one another, playing games and all. In the square, next to the fountain was Damien, playing his song on the guitar. A friend of his named Elaine was also singing along with the song. It was a pretty duet, and all of the villagers were gathered around them, admiring how well they sounded together. Again, he hit the discord, but as he did so, he noticed that Elaine sang along with it, making it a harmonic chord. He smiled, and then finished up the song. All of the villagers applauded, just as Elaine turned around and walked away. He watched her, wondering why she left so soon.

"...Elaine?" he asked himself.

He turned around and followed her. It looked as if she was heading to the cliffs, he told himself. He followed her quietly until she stopped near the edge of the cliffs above the village.

"Elaine?" he asked.

She slowly turned around to see who called her name. She smiled slightly and said, "I liked how you played your guitar, Damien."

"You did? You weren't bad singing, either." he replied. "Why did you leave the festival so soon, though?"

She sat down on the edge, looking out at the horizon. The sun was just now starting to sink into the horizon.

"I was...embarrassed. I kind of have a problem being in front of so many people." she replied.

"That's nothing to be afraid of," he replied. He, too, sat down on the cliff next to her. "It's just something that you have to get used to."

She smiled. The sun was now halfway set, causing the sky to glow orange. The wind blew his hair into his eyes, but he simply brushed it back again.

"...Damien?" she asked.

He looked at her, listening.

"...Have you ever dreamed of going on an adventure? You know, leaving Palpalice and going to places you've never been to?"

He looked up at the sky, which was just now starting to grow dark.

"Yeah, I have." he said, putting down his guitar that he carried with him. "When I get older, I'll leave here and explore the world. It'll be fun, seeing new, unexplored frontiers..."

“It sounds like fun," Elaine replied.

A few stars began to shine overhead in the lavender sky. Crickets were chirping nearby.

"....I love you, Damien." she said after a moment's pause.

Damien slowly looked at her, taken back by what she had just said.

"You...do?" he asked in amazement.

She looks up at the moon, which was shining faintly in the fading sky.

"Well, I've been thinking a lot about you lately, and if you left, it would get really lonely here..."

He sat there, realizing that the girl that he liked admitting her love to him.

"...Yeah, I guess it would..."

Damien smiled as he looked back at his cherished memories. Yes, those were good times. Four years have passed since then, and he wondered how she was doing. Palpalice was only a day away from where he was, according to the map. He got up and stretched his arms. The moon was shining brightly in the night sky. Night was his favorite time of the day. It allowed him to move quicker and more quietly, another reason he was known as Wolf. He made sure that he had all of his belongings, strapped his katana to his side, and then headed north to where his home was...



17:21 Apr 30 2008

I didn't know people could patent stories...Now patent a new and better washing machine and the world better watch out.

19:25 Apr 30 2008

Dude, I remember when you wre writing this in high school. Although your height is not one of them, there are many things that I envy about you.

21:35 Apr 30 2008

But what about Book 1?

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