Well the new year is here, instead of making stupid resolutions I am making serious life changes.
This year I am cleaning house! In all aspects - spiritualy, mentally, personally. I will not lower my expectations of others anymore. I also will not believe I cannot do things - I am perfectly capable of doing any damn thing I set my mind too. This was not a revelation that came easily, but with much turmoil. After going through a personal hell and surviving all that the past 2 years have thrown at me - I am positive I can handle anything!
So if I seem a little different - I am. I will take responsability for my own actions and choices. I will not burden others with countless little problems but I also will not be brought into other's drama. This does not mean I won't be happy to talk to and help other's but do not put me in the middle of drama and expect me to take sides. I also will not be making decisions for people - I will talk through different aspects of your problem with you but YOU must make the final decision.
If this displeases some - oh well, I have my own problems to deal with and my own spiritual well being to worry about.
Some fair weather friends will no longer hear from me as I would rather have truer friendships. Also, if you stab me in the back - don't expect me to continue talking to you. Again, I do not have time for such trivialities and do not wish to surround myself with others negativity.
For my good friends who have been there through my tough times, those who have given me good advice, have said just the right thing at the right time, prayed for me lit candles for me - Your friendship is priceless and I hold you all close to my heart - you are very dear to me.
Blessed be.