The Verdict is in!
Is calling people who do not accept your beliefs, closed minded, an insult?
Started by: dabbler
May 24 2009
Yes 61 61%
No 39 39%
Total Votes: 100
If those who press beliefs are offended by being called
delusional, they should consider this poll, along with those who champion their veiled insults.
A grisley vetran that lost his war with diabeties, let it be said he won all his battles.
I have comrades in arms here, people that can smell BS as well as me. More info to follow.
Cheers to the BS radar patrol :)
If this place is so full of it... why stay here?
I came here to find people with imaginations, I have to wade through a lot of irrational self grandization, and fanatics bidding behind fads, and DIY Religions.
Why stay because there are some here with imaginations, that think outside the box. For them I stay.
Why am I here, because a small percent of people here, can simple imagine, what others believe to be so complex.
Perhaps open minds should have screen doors, otherwise they become cluttered with pamphlets, and half read seminar workbooks.
The screen door Dab ( you musta noticed I have that written on my other profile,lol)
Watching members advance in site standing, and when those who aid its improvement, truly make this a user friendly site, Now who wants a Brownie?
I have plenty of rating to catch-up on, and journals to read..
Would like a brownie with extra peanuts. yum:)
Read, read, and rate ...
so um when ya gonna make your way to my end of town dabbler so we can go out for a few beers?
*Stands in line for a brownie*.
*perks up Brownies!* You know honestly I thought you were a sire quite aways back. Your forum posts and chat box fun that I've seen were too good and confident for me not to think you'd been around longer. :) Still it's good to move up, brings a great sense of accomplishment (well it did for me) lol
*passed out napkins to those who have brownies.*
19:48 May 30 2009
I call people close minded not when they won't accept my way, but when they won't even consider it.
To be a truly well informed person, I believe you must see things from both sides before taking a firm stand.
19:50 May 30 2009
Out of 100 votes... I didn't even see the poll, and many others didn't.
But anyway, this goes both ways- BOTH sides insult. It is VERY RARE that a person respects another when the view is opposing.
20:04 May 30 2009
Yet 61 people are insulted, if only one person on here was polish, would it be okey to tell polish jokes?
You so easily dismiss the fact that 61 people are rather insulted by such cliche demeanoing allegations. Notice how it is not what people believe in that is mostly refuted, but the claims they make relating to those beliefs. Illogical, and irrational claims.
Stop with the insults, and dialogue will follow. Insults, are growing old.
If I was a preacher, and I told you you where going to Hell for not
believing in god, and being a devoted (to the letter believer), you would likely be offended, so if I told you you where closed minded for not realizing you where going to hell for not being "rightous" enough..
It is an insult, to a small hand full of people, why is it so cliche for believers to say.. because it implies that they are smarter, or somehow more tolerant to outside ideas, that is clearly not the case.. 100 votes, 61 people, if it was the other way around I bet you would feel victorious, you would be dissing the 39 people as insignificant.
20:12 May 30 2009
What of people who have been "your way" and they no longer subscribe to "that way" I find most beliefs are tolerated, and respected on this site to some degree, what gets reactions is the irrational, illogical claims people make of "experiences", and being "Super human. When those claims are simple inquired about the shield of "I dont have to tell you nothing." goes up.
So I can actually turn around and call believers closed minded for not realizing how obvious, and simplistic the whole truth is regarding "mystical demonstrations"
I never said, (and I invite you to find) anything against a persons belief, (note I did not say against claims relating to those beliefs.)
Something most believers overlook rather easily is that not all who dont believe the claims made by occult, and alternative practices, where never believers, or practicioners of such things.
20:44 May 30 2009
Well just to put this in here, I don't think I have ever seen you being 100% respectful of those who believe differently than you. So what's your story? Be the change you want to see in the world, eh?
21:30 May 30 2009
Even religions warn against signs and wonders, a person can tolerate, or be open to another belief, and still consider the professed experiences, and such BS, I hear those who make far fetched claims
use the " closed minded" insult the most.
If it was I calling some believer closed minded to the fact that 12,000 spiritualist mediums a year are arrested for consumer, and theft by pretense. I would be suspended from posting.
So I want to clearly state, when a person believes something, others can not believe, but when a believer makes an illogical, or irrational assumtion about the mental aptitude of the non believer it is an insult, just as if it was reversed. Then you see fanatical believers that profess
Physical confirmation, they adopt the cliché even pushing it in the face of the more moderate believer.
22:34 May 30 2009
It sounds to me like you want to be the only one with the right to insult. You can dish it, but you sure can't take it. You can't really complain about something you have no problem doing yourself. And all it ever seems is that people just go 'round and 'round with you with no end.
Agree to disagree... no need for some grassroots movement to try and make people look or feel stupid for believeing what they believe. So you don't believe as well, big whoop... move on.
22:55 May 30 2009
Dabbler you have always been respectfull to me, I can say from the heart that we have often discussed differances of beliefs and opinions, etc, with neither of us getting bent out of shape. I respect you and you respect me. Possibly there are some here who can not do that in a discussion, and are left feeling insecure that you raise the questions in there subconscience they were afraid to ask. You taught me to never be afraid to ask questions.
I am not directing this at any one person at feathers flying folks...just my observation that Dabbler has always been 100% respectfull with me.
23:22 May 30 2009
We all can only speak from personal experience.
00:30 May 31 2009
By choosing to share in a social way any experiences related to a belief, and some physical/ manifest observation or sensing, should be
Expectant of both Inquiry, and Analysis from those present. I believe, where three ate gathered in reverence for a deity, or metaphysical equivalent. So those who blur the to hide behind those with moderate views, very common of fanatics, and zealots.. It is always the sensational they seek.. Experience.. Prioritized over Faith.. Easily swayed over obvious inconsistences in the testimony, and digest accounts of those who either completely fabracate, or interprite something that appeared to be mystic.. Paranormal.. Or super natural.
00:47 May 31 2009
personsly I support people who place their spirituality ( what I call software). But when they say, or allude to my personal lack of conviction.. They can be assured of a sound thrashing.