dabbler's Journal

dabbler's Journal


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5 entries this month

The Toy Makers Apprentice

22:03 Jan 26 2008
Times Read: 787

Back in medieval times - during the new renaissance - there was a proud toy maker, so successful people from far and wide would come to look at and buy his closely guarded secret new gizmo-whirly toy wonders. He made a modest living and held off against the competition from the (made-to-be-broken) Toy Maker's Guild. His secret to success was that when his toys weren't selling, he passed his time repairing broken toys for donations or trade. This also allowed him to study what children cherished most among their toys.

As he became older, he decided to open a position for an apprentice on the town crier board. He felt he would know the right lad for the task at a glance. The day came when he saw that very lad in, of all the people, a petty thief hanging from the shackle of a jailer. Caught up in the guild sweeps without proper papers, he was surely a goner. However the toy maker assured the guard that there was obviously a mistake, that the lad worked for him and surely they wouldn't lock up an old man's only apprentice? The lad, quick to catch-on, walked away a free character. Reluctantly he accepted the toy makers offer of fare and an oversized closet to sleep in, in exchange for odd jobs around the shop. As time passed the old man, without the knowledge of the lad, began to set aside a small pension in the lad's name.

When he felt the time was right he also gave the lad, now a man, the secret to his success. "Use surprise," he went on, "to bring the customer to you," and as an after thought added, "Never let the (made-to-break) Toy Maker's Guild get any idea what your new toy is!"

Sadly, the toy maker became ill and weak with a delirium that grew stronger by the day. The doctors called the sanitarium, and the sanitarium told the apprentice a stay would be good for the worn toy maker, and presented him with a payment plan for admittance to better his enjoyment of his last days.

The Toy Shop was slow, and not due for market any time soon, and they were getting by repairing broken toys just to eat. With a great dilemma before him and the well being of the old man on his heart, he happened upon an agent from the Toy Maker's Guild, who mentioned that for the information about the type of material of the newest prototype, they would pay plenty enough to give the old man a long stay. The apprentice accepted the offer, going immediately to the sanitarium to make the required arrangements. Doing so was the hardest thing he ever did. Returning to the old man, still delirious and incoherent, he knew not whether to tell the old man what he had done or let him die with peace of mind.

Then by chance the cat died by poison, and it was found that the old man as well had been poisoned too. He began to recover slowly, as the Guild released the next new gizmo to the masses, promising to close the shop for good.

As appointed, the sanitarium came to pick up the delirious toy maker, already found to be incompetent. The apprentice, not being able to tell the toy maker what he had done, let them take him away. Then, cleaning out his closet, he left the shop for the last time. Some say he went mad from the dilemma he committed himself to… yet children are still told that leaving their broken toys in the closet will eliminate the monsters, assuring them the things they truly need, and the Dabbler will leave a well organized closet that others may have the peace of mind that he denies himself… That is the tale of the Dabbler(the Tot Makers Apprentice.

thanks to my secret Editor...*wink



11:24 Jan 31 2008

VERY interesting story and good read

00:52 Apr 22 2008

Wow, Dabble Do........that is magnificiant work....you are talented.........

23:24 May 05 2011

Its time for my yearly read of my fav story :)


Some Sinister Writing is Coming

23:53 Jan 23 2008
Times Read: 795

To this very Page.



03:34 Jun 05 2008

I'll be looking.........


03:46 Jan 22 2008
Times Read: 797

Happy people haven't a clue,the shit storm that brews.

Run about and play willy-nilly games.The crate breaks upon the cargo from the abyss there is nothing that can be done.Get as far up on the predatory chain as possible and there may be a vague chance of hope.




Barrles Leveled

04:47 Jan 21 2008
Times Read: 801

every patron set to explode into a frenzy.Had it been a Holmes family member he would not have been in the saloon...yet he was a server to the family,putting him high on the suspicion list of most of the gun men in the room the moment he walked in.

Their was ,like a magic act,ten guns eight revolves and two shot guns with Creb in the middle.He had the floor under him at this moment ...his answer to the following questions would determine his odds of survival.

to be continued




Mustard in Smoke(Peel Back a Smile So they Think You Normal)

00:31 Jan 21 2008
Times Read: 804

Psychotic Posed as Playful in Bouncy Rooms Ha ha hhaaa auditory accompaniment "Sure Take a moment…

to ponder secret coded commands…." Lunatic tunnels close

with a clank

"Are we away???"

Can there be a less result for worse case scenario?How awefullistic you know … there is nothing like padded walls

very Antiseptic even…encompassing but all the same"There was an Order Placed for Ventilation!"

as one may guess

quiz without answer

ANswering without being questioned

INsane "guests" mutter "Fraud"

SILLY Really

DElirious practically

JOin in the cerebelistic jumble

KEep your wits

without which you could do (as if anybody would notice) chop up the pills make paper mache with case study paper/reports

Give me a time-to-myself-play date

Stare away into that peek hole to view all that slippery afar land grass grows down fountains pour paint into clouds

So wish you could "see"it like that…Had a poem went like a Mother Duck Sonnet etched it upon this hard rubberized pillowed door

perhaps there should be a reading after Mandatory Motivational Life Skills Class

Pen? No check

Post-it notes now worthless

Thumbs attached… Check… Check

Two stale talking Orderlies…Check

Oh ….Check all elements set to go

a quick game…Checkers(over-sized pieces)

Gather round for the show …"Get your Ticket Bed Bound Groupies"

Hopped up with a prick in the arm….Wow the fuzzy cream bath…"Is my usual booth available matrade?"

last time the view was just to sane for the likes of me.if you let them have their way…every time it just doesn’t make funny memories

Now what was the start to rantifacation???…..that will wait… I seem feel a little myself must attend to dreams in the Ha Ha (snicker)

Narrative from room 10

A sequel censored by interested parties involved

names not changed hangs real manuscripts

"Nope Not a Pace to Chance."

Ink is dangerous …

that is why they take away pens…

pens …crayons

crayons pens …pencils

brushes ..supervise each stroke

never seen anyone slice out their problem with a swipe of paper

so get me an orderly the writer is YELLING "Press awaits"

"Say what they want to hear."para-phrased Write what is people friendly….

One stroke out of the way things are…could be(well certainly maybe)

the Mustard will spill on that finished page

Hide your verses in side ads to counter this….now would there be any reason to blow on your feathers

crazy bird fantastically in control

-to follow-

How to go crazy without losing your mind.



22:23 Jan 26 2008

The one-thing-next-another ('nebeneinander'), reminds me of chapter 3 of Joyce's Ulysses, where the character struggles with the problem of the changing face of the world.

00:51 Jul 24 2008

I have a picture of Marilyn Monroe reading that very book that sockpuppet mentioned.

16:52 Dec 06 2008

That is one of my favorate writings of yours, Dab.

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