my dreams are filled with dread and death, many friends and family lost.
my dreams make me not want to close my eyes, even though i know they're not real.
my reality dreams, consist of love. true love given to that right person.
the person i have yet to find, and might not ever will.
i want to be in their arms, caressed and cared for.
but i know....that no matter what, it will not my wildest dreams
blood running down my throat, as I bite into the neck of my willing donor
some tastes of iron, some tastes of honey, and some has none
Leaving as many marks as I need, they are happy to help
They take care of my cravings, and i take care of them. protection if needed, housing..anything. I am not a monster, i just dont wanna see my final death til i know what this world would end like