I thought this would be good for any beginner witches. Why Didn't My Spell Work?
A lot people ask this common question, some newer witches might have done their first spell and they want to know
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why it is that their spell didn’t work or isn’t working. They tend to think they did everything right, and they want to know why it is! I understand. When I did my first spell I did it to test the waters, I did simple spells for a few dollars, or for a boy to call etc, but when I did my first spell for something I really wanted it didn’t work (or at least the way that I wanted it too). I went down my checklist; did I cast my circle correctly? Did I do my workings at the right Moon phase? Did I have the right color candles? And its very important for you to know that these are tools we use but they don’t hold the key to making or breaking your spell. http://ballisticjw.hubpages.com/hub/why-didnt-my-spell-work
Moon Phases and
Moon and Magick
The moon is a very important part to casting spells. You don't have to follow this chart completely but this is a good beginner reference point. As you learn more about spell casting and Wicca, you will learn what works best for you, and what moon phases work best with the type of magick you do. You can find out the current moon phase by visiting my website or using Google to search. Once you
The Waxing Moon
get familiar with this information it will become easier for you to understand and adapt to your needs. Moon Magick is like working with the earth on a spiritual level to get whatever it is that you are seeking. You should work with the flow of the
Moon and Magick
universe. Use this as a general
Wiccan Products
reference. THE WAXING MOON
The Waxing moon lasts around 14 days. The moon is called the waxing moon when it is moving from the new moon phase to the full moon phase. The moon is growing and getting larger. The moon has a magnetic pull during this time affecting all things
The Waning Moon
with her energy. This is a time when you may feel more empathic or psychic as the moon in the phase heightens our spiritual abilities. This is a great time to do spells for increase including; new relationships, the beginning of longer spell rituals, money, abundance, healing and well being. The moon is like the maiden Goddess in this aspect. THE WANING MOON
This is the time between the full moon to the dark moon. This is crone aspect of the Goddess. This is a time for decrease as the moon is moving from the full moon to the new moon. The magickal energies you need to do effective spell casting is still there but are lower as the moon is in a state of decrease. This is the best time to do a spell to get rid of something, banish, ban, and let go of the things you don't need in your life.
This is a great time to do spells to banish bad or negative thoughts/energies, to do spiritual cleansings, removed negative vibes, do a spell to loose weight, and a time for letting go of the past. THE FULL MOON
This happens around 14 days after the new moon and is the mother aspect of the Goddess. This is when your magickal energies are heightened. You should use this time to do the spell or spells that take a lot of energy or a lot of preparation. I usually do one or two spells of this level during this time. This is great time to do a spell for manifestation, nurturing, passion, strength and power. This is my favorite time to do magick as I do full blown rituals during this time. NO MOON, NEW MOON, BLACK MOON
Traditionally this is a time for rest for all witches. Witches don't do magick during this time usually, as it has been said that any spells done during this time will not work and may even backfire on you. This is a time that some witches engage in the practices of black magick and other black occult things. I rest during this time, and use it as time to prepare new spells and rituals for the coming month. There are differing opinions on doing moon magick during this time, and as I do magick everyday I restrict it to little spells. I never do a full ritual or really important spell during this time. You just have to decide what works best for you, but using this period as time to reflect, meditate and study the craft is the most common use of this period. ***THE BLOOD MOON (THE RED MOON)
In Wicca this is said to bring trouble. It is said to be a warning and to mean that something bad may be on the way. Moon Magick
Moon and Magick Poll
Use the moon to guide your
Do you plan your spells on
actions and spells. As you
the moon phases>
have read, the time to do
Yes, it is very important
pleasant and favorable magick
to me that I follow these
is during the waxing moon.
The waning moon is a great
No, I think this method of
time to banish, ban, breaking
wicca and witchcraft is old
bad energies and curses. As I
and outdated
said earlier not every witch follow these rules to the letter,
Sometimes I do,
but I can guarantee that they
sometimes I don't... It
will encourage you to start off
doesn't matter,
with this information. As your
Yes, I try to but when I
grow on the path you will learn
can't plan the spell fully I
more about doing magick
don't fret.
during every phase of the moon. But if you ever have a
question about why your spell
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hasn't worked then looking at the moon phase is the first thing to look at while troubleshooting