We have come a long way to conceive the notion of love forever more, as on of my favorite authors had wrote. I have experianced love at least I have been told that many times and always come up on the short end if I look at it, well no more looking for me if it knocks it better be with a sledge hammer and brutal fierce with a deep and loving heart something time would stand still for.
I don't know any secret to it, I do know the statement love is blind is a understatement. If we feel a twinge of it we go stupid.
I am still hoping though and I'm absolutely sure when it is the right one he will be amazing and I will keep him, hopefully he is excepting of me as I should be of him. I'm not going to change unless I feel the need to. etc. etc. etc.
He should be treated with the same respect.
And by all things great and small I am not your mother nor am I a maid or cook unless I get a costume and want to be a french maid or a new apron to wear (only the apron) for a romantic apron and you can wear a tie,( only the tie) for dinner and we will see how that goes.
Have you ever been lost, walking in a mist seeing a faint light hearing a brief noise turning and the light was gone. My life is like that right now I'm in a forever mist hoping to find the light and it keeps going out.
Somtimes a person wonders are they meant to be happy or are they marriage material. I would like to know who defined this temonology it compells me to act violant and want to hurt people. Well maybe its for the best.
Its a new year so am I like everyone else with lets make a resolution, absolutly not. I will change the things i want as I need to because i want to. Yes i am exercising and yes I am cutting back on smoking and drinking omg not near as much fun it hurts when I fall down and I don't have the patience to deal with the bar scene its so dramatic. Besides all that i am a loner now and like it that way. maybe when I get married in august i will be more socialble. who know. Happy New Year.