true friends are hard to find ,
but im happy to say that ive found mine.
as honest as they come and true to their word,
not one lie have i ever heard!
Its only been a short while since we met,
but through it all you're my best friend yet!!!
love is a very loaded word
it can even b the sweetest you've ever heard.
sometimes it can make you fall on your face,
or make you stand full of grace.
love is stronger than any man
it even makes them unable to stand.
love is'nt perfect by any means
but love IS the center of everyone's dreams
yep yep i wish i could find love
Love Is a wonderful feeling.The warm and fuzzy feeling.Feeling all mushy Inside.Loved your poem too.
I've come to learn the haed way, there is NO such thing as love!
There is no one being sent to you from heaven above.
There is NO such thing as love at first sight;
And there is DEFINATELY no such person as Mr. Right!!!!!
S0... What is love, you may ask?
It's all an illusion, right down to the mask
This show is over, so baby take a bow.....
And get the hell out i dont care how!!
There is also no such thing as happily ever after;
believe all this and avoid a disaster!!!!!
I've felt that way before too,but sometimes your heart just open Itself right up when the right person comes along.Very nice poem.
08:04 Feb 20 2011
i know the two people ur talking about hehehe
06:17 Mar 06 2011
I've maybe 2 or 3 close A good poem too.