I had something happen to me last night. One of my friends told me he liked me. Well I don't like him the same way back. I told him nicely and now he's depressed. So never again will I tell anyone how i feel.
Sometimes I don't think when I should. I have said somethings to people that I probably shouldn't have said considering different places different meanings. If I have done that to any of you who might read these I'm sorry. If I haven't well then im glad. Odd how sometimes something happens that makes you realize these things. It only took me to say the wrong thing to someone who means a lot to me. They know who they are, and I hope they know I'm sorry.
I have this personnal hate buried inside of me. I think it is mainly for certain things more than certain people. I hate thinking that I should be happy all the time. I just can't sit here and be happy and many of my friends are the same way. Good luck helping us.
I now have another movie that I am completely in love with. I had to get the movie Scarface. I watched it when I was little but forgot it. Now I am completely in love with it!
Today sucked. Work and then work somemore. Welcome to the life of this Missouri girl. Damn I hate this place.
Welcome back once again to the sadness. I am arguing with certain people about certain pictures. I am going to kill them all.-CITN. S.S.