This is the guy,
who won me over.
He is short and bald,
and really loud.
He makes me smile when things get hard.
He makes me laugh,
When I feel I want It To End.
He brings the sunshine,
But I can't expect any less.
He's my main man.
My best friend,
He doesn't even talk.
No he isn't imaginary,
no he isn't mute.
He's 5 Months old.
No I'm not a Pedophile.
He's my Baby nephew.
Thank god I have someone who of all things,
keeps me here.
Sorrounded by rich men,
with nothing to do.
So i get plastered,
It seemed the right thing to do.
One approches me with one thing in mind,
a conversation,
oh god it was half past nine.
He sees me there with a smoke and a drink,
He looked at my sister with nothing more than a blink.
Who's this guy
he asked as last.
She wouldn't know i just like to fly.
He looked at me with a stitch.
I looked at his wife and screamed BITCH!
-I was in another town and I was wasted forgive me. -CITN