Ever worked at a job where you would rather staple your tongue to a table then work at? Damn the bitches that are there. Oh well. Life sucks that way. Rock Out -C.I.T.N. S.S.
Wasteland Warriors, is the so called "Gang" in Wasteland Mo. I am a "life time member." The simplest terms of these are We are the poor people, who have had to fight everyday for our lives, our health and our town. Your number is based on the reliablity as sited from the "youngins" in the town. 1-10 Is the ratings called numbers. 1 is Least likly and 10 is the most. I got labeled, Warrior 10. The kids in this town come looking for the 10's when they are in trouble, look deep inside yourself and ask if you are a Warrier. Simple questions such as, Do you own a CD player or mp3? Did you buy your car brand new, or used?
Well a family member of mine, and her husband were at the bar getting drunk with me and my fiance. They were unaware that the bartender was bi-sexual, which there is absolutly no problem with that, but she was hitting on my family member. She had no idea it was going on. She went home with her for what the bartender called some beers. That bartender lived REALLY close to me and my fiance. That family member came running and screaming to my door because the bartender had "licked her." Soon after that she found that she was a bi-sexual also. Lived and learned. Welcome to my family.
Today I got online for the first time in a long long time. I am getting married now, and are finally happy. Age is but a number, and the number is 7. That is the age difference between me and fiance. Everything is working out. Sgt. Shorty is finally back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!