once apon a time you were my evey thing
once apon a time you were my prince
once apon a time u put us before all
but now no more
once apon a time we would talk on the phone for hours
once apon a time we planned a future together
once apon a time nothing could keep us apart
but now no more
once apon a time you said we would be together for ever
once apon a time you told me you loved me
once apon a time i lived for this fairy tale
but now no more
the book has ended, there is no happily ever after just an "THE END"
what if you knew you were going to die in a week
where would you go?
what would you see?
who would you want to take with you to these places?
what if you knew you were goin to die in a day
who would you call?
what would you say?
what would you do if you found out you were going to die in an hour
whom would you say " i love you" to?
whom would you forgive?
from whom would you beg to be forgiven?
it is human nature to believe one will go on forever
that they are invincibe, unable to die
but death will come, it will not be denied
wether it be tomorrow, next week, or a hundred years away it will catch up with you
do not put off the important things in life because when death catches up there is no second chance
tell those you love, that you love them
apologize when your wrong
and grant forgiveness while you can
carpe diem :sieze the day
live life to the fullest
what do you do when u've fucked up and can't fix it?
what do you do when the person you love is in love with another?
what do you do if you and that another were
once good friends?
what do you do when the one you love wants to be friends but not together?
what about when he wants you and the one he loves to be friends?
what can i do, i don't mind being friends again w/ the other love but i don't want to lose him
i can't stand to c him with her
he says he loves me but he loves her more, b/c she was his first love.
well i'm stuck in that situatio n too, for he was mine
i hate that he doesn't pick me
i hate that i can't hate him, i hate that i can't not talk to him, i hate that i allways am thinking of him
of where he is
what he's doing
who he's with
what i hate the most is knowing he never has nor ever will feel the same way about me
once i was a happy person
a carefree person whose only worries were minimal
a person who lived in a protective bubble
well the bubble is gone
i no longer float through life happy and secure
now i am a chained angel
held back but my own heart
no longer able to fly
unable to break the chains