Hanging by the threads of hope
Wishing my Dreams were reality
Knowing dreams will never come true
Chasing after things I will never have
Seeing people leaving me
Not knowing what to do
Losing my mind slowly
Not fitting in anywhere
Wanting to feel loved again
Faking a smile to everyone
Being who they want
Forgetting who I really am
Birth, Living, Death
Three steps to reach The End
The End that no one really,truly inside of them want
A fear that should be conquered
It's never fare; never will be....
It takes whoever it wants, not caring about feelings
It snatches Everyone that you love & they love you
Destroys your Broken Heart killing you but,
You're still Alive, Living , Breathing ,..!
Wanting to die to be with them
Thinking, letting it eat you alive..
Waiting for IT to visit Again..
Who Could It Be This Time??...