the story of adam and eve has been taught to many through the church and the bible. but before eve there was lillith, adams first bride. she was beautiful and strong. they bore seven sons, one for the sun, murcery and so on. lillith grew tired of her imprisonment so she took the sons and left.adam prayed to gis god, telling him that lillith had left without reason. then god in his blindness banished her and her sons to hell where he thought they would stay. but lillith was too smat. for she knew that he god had made a wronging in sending a innocent person to the pit. she spoke with lucifer and made a deal. she would be queen and his bride, her sons be brougth back on earth as his children. neither living nore dead, but eternal. they were the first of our kind. lillith our mother and lucifer our true father. they are not evil but bring justice to the wrong and give blessing to those who deserve it. we are their children.