Lemme tell ya all. I cannot belive the last email I got. I HAVE less to lose thatn anyone else. WHY the fuck would I play games? I just plain feel useless about now....I do not enjoy this at all...I do not fuck with people, I tell it the way it is. Do not blame me for shit going on with you stuff.....I trully am sorry, If I could help I would....My hands are tied...
(no....not the stuff I like) I mean trully.....
I still got my shit together....some more than others. Good night non the less...just hanging out....missing people...
Yes, it is true! A doggie psychic! Ya all know how much I love dogs......but a friend of mine paid someone to "chat" with the doggy mind! I sounds weird...but the stuff she told me and whatnot, makes some sense. Is this real? Holy Molely! This opens everything up! Fuck Petey, I'm getting fish!
Alright, Here i am trying to make sense of stuff that I have no I clue what is of sense....Pease people, just help a brother out!.....
Ok, fans...I know I went a little overboard last night! Can't help it, and won't appologize for it.... I can NOT stand the fact that this shit still goes on! I am a compassionate man, I can tell right from wrong-but this shit has to stop! Hold up, I gotta breathe.......Ok, this is nonsense.....I cannot belive that we still tolerate this shit! I give everyone a fair shake, that is what this country is all about. But some stuff goes too far.....anyway, before I have a fucking stroke, lets get down to business.
In remembrence of all that has fallen, I take a moment to pray/remember/and honor what they have done.......go in peace, let he take you into his arms....god bless ya all.....
War was declared on the United States of America on this date. If I sound racist or biased so be it! They call it Patriot day, I call it a fucking bunch of bullshit. If someone came into your house and started killing your friends and family, it would be called a heinous crime......to say the least. As much as I am not pro religion, any said group or belief, that worships by killing INNOCENTS is absoulutly fucking insane and deserves to be killed on the spot WITHOUT legal or moral representation. I may be very crude about this all, I am not a legal/political/social/religious fanatic.....I consider myself a real person. I belive right is right and wrong is wrong! My "brothers" died doing their job, plain and simple. Any one of you that even have an inkling that you even "sort of" like me even a little bit......imagine if I died trying to do my job to help other people. I, to this day-cannot fathom the pain and suffering of those that died and their families! When it happened, I held back, I could have been a fucking monster to those around me that took joy in what happened.......I did not not. I did my job and kept it to myself. I could have done alot of things, I did not. I grew up believing that you have to control your emotions and do what is right. That is what makes us different than the animals, we know right from wrong.....period. I go to work today knowing that brave men and women are out keeping me, my family, friends and loved ones safe. And I turn keep all of you safe by keeping the trash where it belongs......
Yeah, I'm on vacation...not doing too much sad to say. But I needed time off before I kill someone. Call it a "time out" whatever.....for once just wanted to get some damn sleep. So been boozing and pill popping like crazy!