Hey, I been away lately. Between work and work and whatnot.....I have less time. It get even worse this weekend, ya know, full moon and Halloween and what not, running around like crazy! But hell, tis the "real" season!
Well, maybe not so much. I love this month! But for me traditonally ends up badly. I dont know where its going, but its gonna be a wild ride.......
Yes, that is it.....I am just here. I work in a bar, I see alot, some good, some bad. But what I notice alot is a bunch of lonly people. That is horrible. What cha gonna do? I had a twenty something come on to me......WTF? now that is messed up, yeah, I can be nice and what not....but it aint all its cracked up to be. I just don't go for that shit. NO, I am not a homo or anything, I just knew it would not go no futher than sex......that would be a waste of time and energy. This life sucks, if ya gonna live it, do it with someone ya care about. Thats what is all about, anything else is passing time......
Hey ya'all thanks for being here. I know I have said some bad stuff. For that I am sorry, but I am what I am! I saw the movie knocked up or banged up, sorry I have ADD. I was truly moved. I wish I had a kid or at least the chanch to have a child, but I did not. NOw I feel deprived! That is messed up, I am not a bad guy, I have a good job, and whatnot......and still I am here! That is fucked up! Loserers get the life, and I get shit! Now I am really depressed! I will solve this by getting really toasted tonight! God I hate life..............
Yeah. You know it. I am so fucking happy! Last month was bad, this will be great.....for me I hope! Ahh, nontheless....I love it! I think the cooler weather, the leaves turning colors, football.......ahhhh it's dying time! I love it! A plus...my team the bucs are doing quite well. I swear, if they beat the colts next sunday, I will freaking pass out! It's gonna be tough, but my lads can do it! And the holloween stuff comming up-my oh my! I cannot wait!