Ok, maybe not. Really like this woman, but of course there are "issues". Christ, I just can't win! Went out to dinner last weekend, in the fucking snow storm, it was outstanding. Had the whole place just to ourselves, really romantic like. This weekend she wants to go see my bloody valentine! Is this woman for real, holy shit I loved the original! I must be fucking dreaming............
Yes, yes, say this every new year........but gosh darnit, something gotta change ! Work is a total nightmare, and I ain't talking about the crooks! My unit is so messed up, people out sick, can't hire more, posistions open that NEED to be filled, and of course my favorite-people that don't do their fucking job! Christ people, you make more than me, do something. But at least I should be getting two raises this year, so thats a good thing...........then the gov will just take more of my money out in taxes. Enough bitching, should things go right, I'll be on more. To all my loyal fans, I love the comments so keep 'em coming! Love ya's.........
A clear case of 'same shit, different day' lol
Im trying not to make anyone cry in my office this year, people like that grate my cheese. But perhaps that is what you should do?
Put glucose in the water???
Lol Sinora!
14:25 Jan 24 2009
Well if it's a good dream....keep dreaming lol