First (Root) Chakra: The energies of the first chakra that we are working with in this process are feelings of safety, groundedness, connection to family, and connection to physical body. Select a recent memory in which you felt unsafe, ungrounded (spacey ), disconnected from your family in an unhealthy way, or disconnected/ mistrustful of your physical body . All you need is one memory that evokes one of these feelings. You are not trying to create an exhaustive list, as this is simply a trigger memory, to work with in your energetic practice. Now select an empowering memory – a memory of a situation in which you felt safe, grounded , connected to family in a healthy way, or connected to your physical body in a strong, vital way. Write down a note to help you remember each
memory. Second (Sacral) Chakra: The aspects of the second chakra that we are working with are creativity, emotional connection, sensuality/ sexuality, and adaptability/ flexibility. Select a memory of a situation in which you felt either uncreative (stuck), emotionally disconnected (numb or unable to feel), lacking in sensual or sexual connection, or rigid/ inflexible . Just one memory that triggers one of these energies is all you need. Then select a memory of a situation in which you felt either creative, emotionally connected or passionate , sensual/ sexual, or adaptable/ flexible. Write down each memory for use in the energy practice. Third (Navel) Chakra: The aspects of the navel chakra that we are working with are personal power, will power, ability to plan/ manifest, and ability to maintain healthy boundaries. Select a memory of a situation in which you felt disempowered, discouraged , scattered, unable to complete something you wanted to complete, or in which you felt your energetic or emotional boundaries were violated. Then select
a memory of a situation in which you felt empowered , determined, productive, organized, or in which you felt you maintained a particularly healthy boundary. Record your choices. Fourth (Heart) Chakra: The aspects of the heart chakra that we are working with are love, compassion, purity, and balance. Select a memory of a situation in which you felt unloved, out of balance, or were the victim of an unkind or malicious act. Alternatively, you can select a memory in which you felt that you yourself acted in an unloving, unkind, or impure way. Then select a memory of a situation in which you felt loved, understood, balanced or pure in intent. Alternatively, you can select a memory of a situation in which you felt particularly loving, compassionate, pure or balanced . Record your choices. Fifth (Throat) Chakra: The aspects of the throat chakra that we are working with are self-expression, communication, authenticity, and speaking truth. Select a memory of a situation in which you felt repressed, unable to express
yourself honestly or communicate effectively, disingenuous, or forced to lie. Then select a memory in which you felt you expressed yourself well, spoke your truth, communicated effectively, or spoke or acted in an authentic way. Record your choices. Sixth ( Third Eye) Chakra : The aspects of the third eye that we are working with are intuition, wisdom, insight, and metaphysical understanding. Select a memory of a situation in which you felt blocked from your intuition, unable to understand, stupid , or lacking in vision. Then select a memory of a situation in which you accessed your intuitive knowledge , or felt smart, insightful, or wise. Record your choices. Seventh (Crown) Chakra: The aspects of the crown chakra that we are working with are bliss, spiritual experience, and feelings of transcendence. Select a situation in which you felt spiritually disengaged, repressed, or doubtful – a crises of faith. Then select a memory of a spiritual or faith-filled experience, when you felt affirmed in your beliefs and spiritual path. Record your choices.