There is a part of you that is so beautiful
But you won't dare to let it shine
That is why you are so dead inside
You choose the darkness and chase the light
That's why God won't hear your plight
I wanted to be your angel to save your soul
But you refused me, you'll never be whole
There isn't a demon too dark for me
But I'm the angel too pure for thee.
Feeling like falling into pieces
The end calling out my name
I cannot say no
But I cannot give in though
I cannot let her destroy me
As I have before
Take this knife off my heart
Let it be cast away
I will not die in vain
I will persevere
Even though she never looked my way twice
Since she betrayed me
I gave you everything
I cannot understand
How it wasn't enough
Why did you have to stray?
Despite all your lies
I have always stayed
Now that's over today
I'm moving on and away
I'm over it
Pick up the pieces of my shattered hopes
I look upon my reflection in my heart
I do not see you anymore
I see myself. I'm done with you.