Well....life in this part is well.....so-so....not alot to do, not alot of really.......ANYTHING.....L8tely...been havin family issues... ya know? it really just suck's.... but i guess that is how the cookie crumbles.... but... oh OMFG.... life here in Marion is....so Gd boring
In marion theres a lot of shit....going on....another goth girl in school (my school) is running her god damn mouth saying "we're coping her" we're goth honey...not poser's (bitch!)>sory....well life still is sucking big balls fo me......I thing this is how my leaf falls to the ground but i dont care...i have good friends and a world which dont give a damn...but lifes a party fuck it we're only here for a while/ rok on
Hidden in shadow of the wilting rose.
All around you the silent grows.
Pure love, but a even pure hatered fills me.
All the time we see w/our eyes look w/ u're heart you'll see.
What truely is me.
For life is a game......a fucked up game of twisted h8 and twisted luv, walk alone hand in hand w/ darkness.....
Life here is quite....Christan....Everyone knows everyone eles (which gets anoying in the store's -lol-) But life is most relaxing back in a place no one knows about...unless u lived here...Stuff is quite nothing BIG ever hapen's here....NoThInG....
It seems like this town is to go to bo true....don't it? Well truth be told...It suck's If you're not Christan U're h8ted if you're gothic-U're a devil worshiper-it's always devil worshiper this devil worshiper that_U're diffrent u're a devil-worshiper.....No where not Were Fun livin people like everyone else...we like everything (ok-not everything) like them ....but these people dont understand "Diffrent" here thats why I live my life hidden in shadows...like most people do here.....I luv my friends because they are diffrent...but who cares? It seems they do-So yet I'm bound to this prison-untill i excape 0_0
To paint the purfect picture.......A old town-full of fu**ed up Christans-no one excepts u if u're goth, pagan (like me), gay, bi,...etc...
I live most of my life in the shadows for a fear of exille rushes in my vein's-Sucky Right?- my life SuCkS BaLl'S no lie.....I lie to keep my family of my GD back but....hell that dont even work.
I wonder this darkened life I now live wondering "is there anyone out there for_me?" .
I tell my friends my secrets-my past-my dreams.....but now I fear the worst is yet to come.....This town hates me (Marion town name in Va.) omfg-i hate it but i guess this is where greatness starts=lol= fu** that I'm DOOMED to rot in thiz hell.......With people who only life purpose is to serve GOD....I'm pagan peps god?!lol...god and goddess is more like it....if u dont like it well fu** u too ;) (sorry got a little to-crazy)