life is a thing you go through, it is also a bitch. I am to walk in darkness forever and do you know how that feels. Well its ok if you have someone with you for the journey. I have someone for the journey and that is what makes it even better. I don't like what i am all the time , but i have choose to accept it as it is.
Alot of others are like me and we must stay in darkness forever. And trust me forever is a long time. People have asked me what it is like. But i never told them, I have always asked them and they said they rather not know. Well to those who would like to know, you never will untill you experience it.
To live and not die, to feel no pain,to take the lives of others, and the need to feed. These are all of the things that have become part of my life. And to those who wonder what it feels like well lets just say you feel nothing. Well maybe just the old human feelings that dont die.
And life has been boring for me that is why i find new things to do, and adapt to the new age. That way you can fit in. And if you want to know how old i am, ok then i shall tell you i am over 900 years old. I have walked this earth for a very long time. I have lived in different places.
more to come